当前研究兴趣在于使用行为实验、MRI、fNIRS、以及电生理等多种测量手段研究社会认知与情感神经科学,主要包括:1)社会奖赏加工(诸如情感性触摸、情绪性面孔加工等)的认知神经机制及影响因素;2)心理障碍患者(如抑郁症、焦虑症、自闭症等)社会奖赏加工异常的神经机制;3)针对心理障碍患者探究行为及神经调控等干预手段。相关成果发表在eLife、Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry、European Neuropsychopharmacology、Frontiers in Neuroscience等杂志上。目前参与1项教育部人文社科和1项四川省自然科学基金项目。
2019.09 - 2023.12 电子科技大学,生物医学工程,博士(导师:Keith Kendrick教授)
2016.09 - 2019.06 电子科技大学,应用心理学,硕士(导师:Benjamin Becker教授)
2012.09 - 2016.06 西南大学,应用心理学,学士(导师:曹贵康副教授)
Chen Y, Zou H, Hou X, Lan C, Wang J, Qing Y, Chen W, Yao S, Kendrick K M. (2023). Oxytocin administration enhances pleasantness and neural responses to gentle stroking but not moderate pressure social touch by increasing peripheral concentrations. eLife, 12: e85847. (SCI一区top,IF = 7.7,第一作者)
Chen Y, Liu C, Xin F, Zou H, Huang Y, Wang J, Dai J, Zou Z, Ferraro S, Kendrick K M, Zhou B, Xu X, Becker B. (2023). Opposing and emotion-specific associations between frontal activation with depression and anxiety symptoms during facial emotion processing in generalized anxiety and depression. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 123: 110716. (SCI二区,IF = 5.2,第一作者)
Yao S, Chen Y, Zhuang Q, Zhang Y, Lan C, Zhu S, Becker B, Kendrick K M. (2023). Sniffing oxytocin: Nose to brain or nose to blood. Molecular psychiatry. (SCI一区top,IF = 11.0)
Lan C, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Kou J, Huang L, Xu T, Yang X, Xu D, Yang W, Kendrick K M, Zhao W. (2023). Oral oxytocin facilitates responses to emotional faces in reward and emotional-processing networks in females. Neuroendocrinology, 113(9): 957-970. (SCI二区,IF = 4.1)
Xu X#, Dai J#, Chen Y, Liu C, Xin F, Zhou X, Zhou F, Stamatakis E A, Yao S, Luo L, Huang Y, Wang J, Zou Z, Vatansever D, Kendrick K M, Zhou B, Becker B. (2021). Intrinsic connectivity of the prefrontal cortex and striato-limbic system respectively differentiate major depressive from generalized anxiety disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(4): 791-798. (SCI一区,IF = 7.6)
Liu C#, Dai J#, Chen Y, Qi Z, Xin F, Zhuang Q, Zhou X, Zhou F, Luo L, Huang Y, Wang J, Zou Z, Chen H, Kendrick K M, Zhou B, Xu X, Becker B. (2021). Disorder- and emotional context-specific neurofunctional alterations during inhibitory control in generalized anxiety and major depressive disorder. Neuroimage: Clinical, 30: 102661. (SCI二区,IF = 4.2)
Chen Y, Li Q, Zhang Q, Kou J, Zhang Y, Cui H, Wernicke J, Montag C, Becker B, Kendrick K M, Yao S. (2020). The effects of intranasal oxytocin on neural and behavioral responses to social touch in the form of massage. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14: 589878. (SCI二区top,IF = 4.3,第一作者)
Chen Y, Becker B, Zhang Y, Cui H, Du J, Wernicke J, Montag C, Kendrick K M, Yao S. (2020). Oxytocin increases the pleasantness of affective touch and orbitofrontal cortex activity independent of valence. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 39: 99-110. (SCI二区,IF = 5.6,第一作者)
Xu X#, Dai J#, Liu C, Chen Y, Xin F, Zhou F, Zhou X, Huang Y, Wang J, Zou Z, Li J, Ebstein R P, Kendrick K M, Zhou B, Becker B. (2020). Common and disorder-specific neurofunctional markers of dysregulated empathic reactivity in major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychother Psychosom, 89(2): 114-116. (SCI一区,IF = 22.8)
Li Q, Becker B, Wernicke J, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Li R, Le J, Kou J, Zhao W, Kendrick K M. (2019). Foot massage evokes oxytocin release and activation of orbitofrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 101, 193-203. (SCI二区,IF = 4.7)
Yao S, Zhao W, Geng Y, Chen Y, Zhao Z, Ma X, Xu L, Becker B, Kendrick K. (2018). Oxytocin Facilitates Approach Behavior to Positive Social Stimuli via Decreasing Anterior Insula Activity, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, 918-925. (SCI二区,IF = 4.8)
Chen Y, Liu C, Xin F, Zou H, Huang Y, Wang J, Dai J, Zou Z, Ferraro S, Kendrick K M, Zhou B, Xu X, Becker B. (2022). Separable frontal alterations during facial emotion processing in anxiety and depression. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2022. June 19-23, Glasgow. (收录摘要并进行在线展报)
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