时间:2024-03-12 08:01:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院









2017年9月 – 2023年7月,北京师范大学心理学部认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,理学博士,认知神经科学专业(指导老师:卢春明教授)

2013年9月 - 2017年7月,华中师范大学心理学院,理学学士,心理学专业(指导老师:赵庆柏教授) 


R Aili, Zhou S, Xu X, He X, & Lu C. Cortical representation of the hierarchical linguistic structure in the conversational speech (Under review).

Zhou F, Zhou S, Long Y, A Flinker, Lu, C. The neurocomputational mechanisms of hierarchical linguistic predictions during narrative comprehension(Under review)

Zhou S, Xu X, He X, Long Y, Lu C. Cognitive neural Hierarchical sturcture and its dynamic pattern during interpersonal cultural shock. (In preparation).

Zhang, T., Zhou, S., Bai, X., Zhou, F., Zhai, Y., Long, Y., & Lu, C. (2023). Neurocomputations on dual-brain signals underlie interpersonal prediction during a natural conversation. NeuroImage, 282, 120400. 

Zhou S, Xu X, He X, Zhou F, Zhai Y, Chen J, ... & Lu C. (2023). Biasing the neurocognitive processing of videos with the presence of a real cultural other. Cerebral Cortex33(4), 1090-1103.

Liang Z, Li S, Zhou S, Chen S, Li Y, Chen Y, ... & Zhou Z. (2022). Increased or decreased? Interpersonal neural synchronization in group creation. NeuroImage260, 119448.

Long Y, Chen C, Wu K, Zhou S, Zhou F, Zheng L, ... & Lu C. (2022). Interpersonal conflict increases interpersonal neural synchronization in romantic couples. Cerebral Cortex32(15), 3254-3268.

Long Y, Zheng L, Zhao H, Zhou S, Zhai Y, & Lu C. (2021). Interpersonal neural synchronization during interpersonal touch underlies affiliative pair bonding between romantic couples. Cerebral Cortex31(3), 1647-1659.

Zhou S, Long Y, & Lu C. (2021). Measurement of the Directional Information Flow in fNIRS-Hyperscanning Data using the Partial Wavelet Transform Coherence Method. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (175), e62927

Zheng L, Liu W, Long Y, Zhai Y, Zhao H, Bai X, Zhou S, ... & Lu C. (2020). Affiliative bonding between teachers and students through interpersonal synchronisation in brain activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience15(1), 97-109.

Liu W, Branigan P, Zheng L, Long Y, Bai X, Li K, Zhou S, ... & Lu C. (2019). Shared neural representations of syntax during online dyadic communication. NeuroImage198, 63-72.

Zhou S, Chen S, Wang S, Zhao Q, Zhou Z, & Lu C. (2018). Temporal and spatial patterns of neural activity associated with information selection in open-ended creativity. Neuroscience371, 268-276.


国家自然科学基金,重大项目课题一,智能教学情境下的学习认知机理,273万元,2023.01 - 2027.12,在研,主要参与。

国家自然科学基金,面上项目,教学过程中师生互动的认知预测神经机制研究,52万元,2020.1 - 2023.12,在研,主要参与。