时间:2024-03-12 08:08:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院


徐雷,博士,助理研究员,硕士生导师(学硕、专硕)。主持省部级项目2项,发表国际学术论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者11篇。任中国认知科学学会社会认知分会理事,Frontiers in Psychiatry编辑,NeuroImageFrontiers系列等期刊审稿人。


联系方式  邮箱: xulei@sicnu.edu.cn  微信: xlei0123

个人主页  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lei-Xu-10










2013/06-2019/06       电子科技大学    博士/生物医学工程 

2017/11-2018/11       美国迈阿密大学   CSC联合培养 

2010/09-2013/06       西南大学       硕士/基础心理学 

2005/09-2009/06       河南师范大学    本科/心理学 




Frontiers in Psychiatry(Associate Editor)




1.      四川省自然科学基金青年项目,孤独症儿童社会性注意的行为训练干预研究(2022NSFSC1631)2022/01-2023/1210万,主持

2.      四川省应用心理学研究中心面上项目,认知控制策略与青少年焦虑的双向关系研究(CSXL-23308)2023/09-2025/090.5万,主持

3.      四川省留学回国人员科技活动项目择优资助(优秀类)项目,双重认知控制训练改善青少年焦虑的机制研究,2023-23265万,主持

4.      中国博士后科学基金面上项目,催产素对自闭特质群体情绪加工脑机制的干预研究(2019M663481)2019/10-2021/065万,主持

5.      科技部科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究重大项目,青少年焦虑发生发展的早期预防及脑机制(2022ZD0210900)2022/07—2027/06500万,参研,项目骨干

6.      国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会疼痛情绪调节的认知神经机制(32271102)2023/01-2026/1254万,参研,排名第

7.      国家自然科学基金面上项目,AQP4介导的胶质淋巴系统在TBI后早期癫痫中作用的分子机制研究(82171392)2022/01-2025/1254万,参研,排名第二

8.      国家自然科学基金青年项目,高述情障碍个体内感加工紊乱的神经机制及其干预研究(31700998)2018/01-2020/1226万,参研,排名第六

9.      四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目,基于功能磁共振脑影像和深度学习方法的孤独症诊断研究(21YYJC2990)2021/04-2023/0315万,参研,已结题




1       Qi Wu, Lei Xu(co-first author), Jiaming Wan, ZhangYu, Yi Lei*. (2024). Intolerance of uncertainty affects the behavioral andneural mechanisms of higher generalization, Cerebral Cortex, 34(4), bhae153, doi:10.1093/cercor/bhae153 (IF=3.7, SCI, Q2)

2       Ying Mei, Lisha Tan, Wenmin Yang, Jie Luo, Lei Xu*, Yi Lei*, Hong Li. (2023). Risk perception and gratitude mediate the negative relationship between COVID-19 management satisfaction and public anxiety. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3335. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-29815-2 (IF=4.996, SCI, Q2)

3       Xiaolei Xu, Luke Sy-Cherng Woon, Lei Xu*, Jiaojian Wang*. (2023). Editorial: Social-related biomarkers and potential noninvasive treatments for sub-clinical and clinical emotional disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14:1254197. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1254197 (IF=4.7, SCI&SSCI, Q2)

4       Lei Xu, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Shuxia Yao, Jialin Li, Meina Fu, Keshuang Li, Weihua Zhao, Hong Li, Benjamin Becker*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2022) The mirror neuron system compensates for amygdala dysfunction - associated social deficits in individuals with higher autistic traits, NeuroImage, 251: 119010. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119010 (IF=6.556, SCI, Q1)

5       Lei Xu, Taylor Bolt, Jason S Nomi, Jialin Li, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Meina Fu, Keith M Kendrick, Benjamin Becker*, Lucina Q Uddin*. (2020). Inter-subject phase synchronization differentiates neural networks underlying physical pain empathy. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(2): 225-223. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsaa025 (IF=3.571, SCI&SSCI, Q1)

6       Lei Xu, Benjamin Becker, Ruixue Luo, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Weihua Zhao, Qiong Zhang*, Keith M Kendrick*. (2020). Oxytocin amplifies sex differences in human mate choice. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 112: 104483. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104483 (IF=4.732, SCI, Q1)

7       Lei Xu, Benjamin Becker, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2019). Oxytocin facilitates social learning by promoting conformity to trusted individuals. Frontiers in Neuroscience13, 56. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00056 (IF=3.707, SCI, Q2)

8       Ruixue Luo, Lei Xu(co-first author), Weihua Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Xiaolei Xu, Juan Kou, Zhao Gao, Benjamin Becker, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2017). Oxytocin facilitation of acceptance of social advice is dependent upon the perceived trustworthiness of individual advisors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 83: 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.05.020 (IF=4.731, SCI, Q1)

9       Lei Xu, Xiaole Ma, Weihua Zhao, Lizhu Luo, Shuxia Yao, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2015). Oxytocin enhances attentional bias for neutral and positive expression faces in individuals with higher autistic traits. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, 352-358. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.09.002 (IF=4.704, SCI, Q1)

10 徐雷, 王丽君, 赵远方, 谭金凤, 陈安涛*. (2014). 阈下奖励调节认知控制的权衡. 心理学报, 46(4), 459-466. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00459 (CSSCI, A1)

11 徐雷, 唐丹丹, 陈安涛*. (2012). 主动性和反应性认知控制的权衡机制及影响因素. 心理科学进展, 20(7), 1012-1022. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01012 (CSSCI, A2)


12 Xiaoxiao Zheng, Feng Zhou, Meina Fu, Lei Xu, Jiayuan Wang, Jialin Li, Keshuang Li, Cornelia Sindermann, Christian Montag, Benjamin Becker, Yang Zhan*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2024). Patterns of neural activity in response to threatening faces are predictive of autistic traits: modulatory effects of oxytocin receptor genotype. Translational Psychiatry (accepted). doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3351433/v1

13 Qian Zhuang, Lei Qiao, Lei Xu, Shuxia Yao, …, Keith M Kendrick*, Benjamin Becker* (2023). The right inferior frontal gyrus as pivotal node and effective regulator of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical response inhibition circuit. Psychoradiology (3), kkad016, doi: 10.1093/psyrad/kkad016

14 Fangwen, Yu, Jialin Li, Lei Xu, Xiaoxiao Zheng, ..., Benjamin Becker*. (2022). Opposing associations of Internet Use Disorder symptom domains with structural and functional organization of the striatum: a dimensional neuroimaging approach. Journal of Behavioral Addictions doi: 10.1556/2006.2022.00078 ((IF=7.772, SCI&SSCI, Q1)

15 Weihua Zhao, Xiaolu Zhang, Xinqi Zhou, Xinwei Song, Zhao Zhang, Lei Xu, Feng Zhou*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2022). Depression mediates the association between insula-frontal functional connectivity and social interaction anxiety. Human Brain Mapping, 43(14), 4266–4273. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25952. (IF=5.399, SCI, Q1)

16 Xinqi Zhou*, Renjing Wu, Yixu Zeng, Ziyu Qi, Stefania Ferraro, Lei Xu, ..., Benjamin Becker*. (2022). Choice of Voxel-based Morphometry processing pipeline drives variability in the location of neuroanatomical brain markers. Communications biology,  5, 913. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03880-1(IF=6.548, SCI, Q1)

17 Xiqin Liu, Xinqi Zhou, Yixu Zeng, Jialin Li, Weihua Zhao, Lei Xu, ..., Benjamin Becker*. (2022). Medial prefrontal activity at encoding determines recognition of threatening faces after 1.5 years. Brain Structure and Function, 227, 1655-1672. doi: 10.1007/s00429-022-02462-5. (IF=3.270, SCI, Q1)

18 Qian Zhuang, Lei Xu, Feng Zhou, Shuxia Yao, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Xinqi Zhou, ..., Keith M Kendrick*, Benjamin Becker*. (2021). Segregating domain-general from emotional context-specific inhibitory control systems - ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex serve as emotion-cognition integration hub. NeuroImage, 238, 118269. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118269. (IF=6.556, SCI, Q1)

19 Congcong Liu, Chunmei Lan, Keshuang Li, Feng Zhou, Shuxia Yao, Lei Xu, ..., Benjamin Becker*. (2021). Oxytocinergic modulation of threat-specific amygdala sensitization in humans is critically mediated by serotonergic mechanisms. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(11), 1081-1089. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.04.009.  (IF=5.335, SCI, Q1)

20 Xiaoxiao Zheng, Xiaolei Xu, Lei Xu, Juan Kou, Lizhu Luo, Xiaole Ma, Keith M Kendrick*. (2021) Intranasal oxytocin may help maintain romantic bonds by decreasing jealousy evoked by either imagined or real partner infidelity. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 35(6), 668-680. doi:10.1177/0269881121991576 (IF=3.121, SCI, Q2)

21 Congcong Liu, Lei Xu, Jialin Li, Feng Zhou, ...,Benjamin Becker*. (2021). Serotonin and early life stress interact to shape brain architecture and anxious avoidant behavior – a TPH2 imaging genetics approach. Psychological Medicine, 51(14), 2476-2484. doi:10.1017/S0033291720002809 (IF=5.813, SCI&SSCI, Q1)

22 Feng Zhou*, Jialin Li, Weihua Zhao, Lei Xu, Xiaoxiao Zheng, ..., Benjamin Becker*. (2020). Empathic pain evoked by sensory and emotional-communicative cues share common and process-specific neural representations. eLife, 9, e56929. doi: 10.7554/eLife.56929 (IF=7.080, SCI, Q1)

23 Xiaoxiao Zheng, Lizhu Luo, Jialin Li, Lei Xu, Feng Zhou, Zhao Gao, Benjamin Becker*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2019). A dimensional approach to jealousy reveals enhanced fronto-striatal, insula and limbic responses to angry faces. Brain Structure and Function, 224, 3201-3212. doi: 10.1007/s00429-019-01958-x (IF=3.298, SCI, Q1)

24 Jialin Li, Lei Xu, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Meina Fu, Feng Zhou, Xiaolei Xu, Xiaole Ma, Keshuang Li, Keith M. Kendrick*, Benjamin Becker*. (2019). Common and dissociable contributions of alexithymia and autism to domain-specific interoceptive dysregulations: a dimensional neuroimaging approach. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 88, 187-189. doi: 10.1159/000495122 (IF=13.744, SCI&SSCI, Q1)

25 Lei Qiao, Lei Xu, Xianwei Che, Lijie Zhang, Yadan Li, Gui Xue, Hong Li, Antao Chen*. (2018). The motivation-based promotion of proactive control: the role of salience network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 328. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00328 (IF=2.870, SCI, Q2)

26 Christian Montag*, Zhiying Zhao, Cornelia Sindermann, Lei Xu, Meina Fu, Jialin Li, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Keshuang Li, Keith M. Kendrick, Jing Dai, Benjamin Becker*. (2018). Internet Communication Disorder and the structure of the human brain: initial insights on WeChat addiction. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 2155. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19904-y (IF=4.011, SCI, Q1)

27 Xiaole Ma, Weihua Zhao, Ruixue Luo, Feng Zhou, Yayuan Geng, Lei Xu, Zhao Gao, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Benjamin Becker*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2018). Sex- and context-dependent effects of oxytocin on social sharing. NeuroImage, 183, 62–72. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.08.004 (IF=5.812, SCI, Q1)

28 Shuxia Yao, Weihua Zhao, Yayuan Geng, Yuanshu Chen, Zhiying Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Lei Xu, Benjamin Becker*, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2018). Oxytocin facilitates approach behavior to positive social stimuli via decreasing anterior insula activity. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21(10), 918-925. doi:10.1093/ijnp/pyy068 (IF=4.207, SCI, Q1)

29 Zhao Gao, Shan Gao, Lei Xu, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Xiaole Ma, Lizhu Luo, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2017). Women prefer men who use metaphorical language when paying compliments in a romantic context. Scientific Reports, 7, 40871. doi: 10.1038/srep40871 (IF=4.122, SCI, Q1)

30 Xiaolei Xu, Shuxia Yao, Lei Xu, Yayuan Geng, Weihua Zhao,Xiaole Ma, Juan Kou, Ruixue Luo, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2017). Oxytocin biases men but not women to restore social connections with individuals who socially exclude them. Scientific Reports, 7, 40589. doi: 10.1038/srep40589 (IF=4.122, SCI, Q1)

31 Peng Ren, Shanjiang Tang, Fang Fang, Lizhu Luo, Lei Xu, Maria L. Bringas-Vega, Dezhong Yao, Keith M. Kendrick*, Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa*. (2017). Gait rhythm fluctuation analysis for neurodegenerative diseases by empirical mode decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(1), 52-60. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2536438 (IF=4.288, SCI, Q1)

32 Weihua Zhao, Yayuan Geng, Lizhu Luo, Zhiying Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Lei Xu, Shuxia Yao, Keith M. Kendrick*. (2017). Oxytocin increases the perceived value of both self-and other-owned items and alters medial prefrontal cortex activity in an endowment task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 272. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00272 (IF=2.871, SCI, Q2)

33 Weihua Zhao, Shuxia Yao, Qin Li, Yayuan Geng, Xiaole Ma, Lizhu Luo, Lei Xu, Keith M Kendrick*. (2016). Oxytocin blurs the self-other distinction during trait judgments and reduces medial prefrontal cortex responses. Human Brain Mapping, 37(7), 2512-2527. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23190 (IF=4.530, SCI, Q1)

34 Lizhu Luo, Xiaole Ma, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Weihua Zhao, Lei Xu, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick*. (2015). Neural systems and hormones mediating attraction to infant and child faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 970. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00970 (IF=2.463, SSCI, Q1)

35 王丽君, 徐雷, 伍姗姗, 谭金凤, 陈安涛*. (2013). 错误后减慢理论模型述评心理科学进展, 21(3), 418-428. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00418 (CSSCI, A2)

36 谭金凤, 伍姗姗, 徐雷, 王丽君, 陈安涛*. (2013). 前额叶皮层与双任务加工执行功能. 心理科学进展, 21(12), 2127-2135. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.02127 (CSSCI, A2)