时间:2024-03-12 08:19:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院






(1) 儿童孤独症诊断方法及标记(Eye-tracking/fMRI/fNIRS等)

(2) 儿童孤独症治疗方案探索ImPACT/Oxytocin

(3) 社交焦虑调节方案探索(CBT/Oxytocin/音乐干预


2015.09-2020.12博士(生物医学工程)电子科技大学导师:Keith M. Kendrick 教授







(4) 参与:AQP4介导的胶质淋巴系统在TBI后早期癫痫中作用的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金面试项目,2022/01-2024/12

(5) 参与:电子科技大学顶尖学术成果培育计划“治疗自闭症谱系障碍新方法:鼻喷催产素临床研究”,2016/01-2020/12






(1)Zijie Wei, Yinan Guo, Michelle Hei Lam Tsang, Christian Montag, Benjamin Becker#, Juan Kou# (2024).Social media distractions alter behavioral and neural patterns to global-local attention: The moderation effect of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 157, 108258.

(2)  Keith Kendrick, Weihua Zhao, Jiao Le, Qi Liu, Siyu Zhu, Chunmei Lan, Qianqian Zhang, Yingying Zhang, Qin Li, Juan Kou, Wenxu Yang, Rong Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Lan Zhang (2024). A clustering approach identifies an Autism Spectrum Disorder subtype more responsive to chronic oxytocin treatment.bioRxiv,

(3)  Dan Xu, Chunmei Lan, Juan Kou, Shuxia Yao, Weihua Zhao, Keith M Kendrick(2024). Oromucosal Administration of Oxytocin: The Development of ‘Oxipops’. Pharmaceutics, 16(3), 333.

(4)Weixing Zhao, Lei Li, Xiujie Yang, Xiaotian Wang, Juan Kou, Jia Chen, Huafu Chen, Qi Wang, Xujun Duan(2024). Brain development of a school-aged boy with autism spectrum condition talented in arithmetic: a case report. Psychoradiology, 4, kkae008.


(1)寇娟,杨梦圆,魏子杰,雷怡.(2023).自闭症谱系障碍社交动机理论:机制及干预探索. 心理科学进展, 31(1), 20-32(A2).

(2)Mengyuan Yang, Lan Zhang, Zijie Wei, Pingping Zhang, Lei Xu, Lihui Huang, Keith M Kendrick, Yi Lei#, Juan Kou# (2023). Altered Orbitofrontal Cortex Activation and Gaze Patterns to Happy Faces in Autistic Children Predict Adaptive Difficulties but Challenge the Social Motivation Hypothesis. bioRxiv, 2023-12.

(3)Wenyi Pan*, Jiachen Lu*, Lesi Wu, Juan Kou#, Yi Lei# (2023). Expending Effort May Share Neural Responses with Reward and Evokes High Subjective Satisfaction. Biological Psychology, 108480(SCI/SSCI).

(4)Chunmei Lan, Yuanshu Chen, Yingying Zhang, Juan Kou, Linghong Huang, Ting Xu, Xi Yang, Dan Xu, Wenxu Yang, Keith M Kendrick, Weihua Zhao.(2023). Oral Oxytocin Facilitates Responses to Emotional Faces in Reward and Emotional-Processing Networks in Females. Neuroendocrinology, 113(9), 957-970.


(1)Juan Kou, Yingying Zhang, Feng Zhou, Zhao Gao, Shuxia Yao, Weihua Zhao, ... & Benjamin Becker. (2022). Anxiolytic effects of chronic intranasal oxytocin on neural responses to threat are dose-frequency dependent. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics1-12.

(2)Juan Kou, Yingying Zhang, Feng Zhou, Cornelia Sindermann, Christian Montag, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick (2022). A randomized trial shows dose-frequency and genotype may determine the therapeutic efficacy of intranasal oxytocin. Psychological Medicine, 52(10), 1959-1968.

(3)Jiao Le, Lan Zhang, Weihua Zhao, Siyu Zhu, Chunmei Lan, Juan Kou, Qianqian Zhang, Yingying Zhang, Qin Li, Zhuo Chen, Meina Fu, Christian Montag, Rong Zhang, Wenxu Yang, Benjamin Becker, Keith M KendrickInfrequent intranasal oxytocin followed by positive social interaction improves symptoms in autistic children: A pilot randomized clinical trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1-13.

(4)Zhao Gao, Xiaole Ma, Xinqi Zhou, Fei Xin, Shan Gao, Juan Kou, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2022) Oxytocin Reduces the Attractiveness of Silver-Tongued Men for Women During Mid-Cycle. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16.


(1)Juan Kou, Chunmei Lan, Yingying Zhang, Qianqian Wang, Feng Zhou, Zhongbo Zhao, Christian Montag, Shuxia Yao, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick. (2021). In the nose or on the tongue? Contrasting motivational effects of oral and intranasal oxytocin on arousal and reward during social processing. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 1-11.

(2)Jiao Le, Weihua Zhao, Juan Kou, Meina Fu, Yingying Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2021). Oxytocin facilitates socially directed attention. Psychophysiology, 58(9), e13852.

(3)Xiaoxiao Zheng, Xiaolei Xu, Lei Xu, Juan Kou, Lizhu Luo, Xiaole Ma, Keith M Kendrick. Intranasal oxytocin may help maintain romantic bonds by decreasing jealousy evoked by either imagined or real partner infidelity(2021). Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 269881121991576.


(1)Jiao Le*, Juan Kou*, Weihua Zhao, Meina Fu, Yingying Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick (2020). Oxytocin biases eye-gaze to dynamic and static social images and the eyes of fearful faces: associations with trait autism. Translational psychiatry, 10(1).

(2)Jiao Le, Juan Kou, Weihua Zhao, Meina Fu, Yingying Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2020). Oxytocin Facilitation of Emotional Empathy Is Associated With Increased Eye Gaze Toward the Faces of Individuals in Emotional Contexts. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 803. (SCI) 

(3)Yuanshu Chen, Qin Li, Qianqian Zhang, Juan Kou, Yingying Zhang, Han Cui, Jennifer Wernicke, Christian Montag, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick, Shuxia Yao(2020). The Effects of Intranasal Oxytocin on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Touch in the Form of Massage. Frontiers in Neuroscience.

(4)Jennifer Wernicke, Yingying Zhang, Andrea Felten, Jun Du, Shuxia Yao, Juan Kou, Yuanshu Chen, Keith M Kendrick, Benjamin Becker, Martin Reuter, Christian Montag(2020). Blood oxytocin levels are not associated with ADHD tendencies and emotionality in healthy adults. Neuroscience Letters, 135312-135312.

(5)Xinqi Zhou, Renjing Wu, Congcong Liu, Juan Kou, Yuanshu Chen, Halley M Pontes, Dezhong Yao, Keith M Kendrick, Benjamin Becker, Christian Montag(2020). Higher levels of (Internet) Gaming Disorder symptoms according to the WHO and APA frameworks associate with lower striatal volume. Journal of behavioral addictions, 9(3), 598-605.


(1)Juan Kou*, Jiao Le*, Meina Fu, Chunmei Lan, Zhuo Chen, Qin Li, Weihua Zhao, Lei Xu, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2019). Comparison of three different eye‐tracking tasks for distinguishing autistic from typically developing children and autistic symptom severity. Autism Research, 12(10), 1529-1540.

(2)Xiaolei Xu, Congcong Liu, Xinqi Zhou, Yuanshu Chen, Zhao Gao, Feng Zhou, Juan Kou, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick (2019). Oxytocin Facilitates Self-Serving Rather Than Altruistic Tendencies in Competitive Social Interactions Via Orbitofrontal Cortex. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 22(8), 501-512.

(3)Qin Li, Benjamin Becker, Jennifer Wernicke, Yuanshu Chen, Yingying Zhang, Rui Li, Jiao Le, Juan Kou, Weihua Zhao, Keith M Kendrick(2019). Foot massage evokes oxytocin release and activation of orbitofrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 101, 193-203.

(4)Weihua Zhao, Benjamin Becker, Shuxia Yao, Xiaole Ma, Juan Kou, Keith M Kendrick(2019) Oxytocin enhancement of the placebo effect may be a novel therapy for working memory impairments.Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88 (2), 125-127


(1)Shuxia Yao, Benjamin Becker, Weihua Zhao, Zhiying Zhao, Juan Kou, Xiaole Ma, Yayuan Geng, Peng Ren, Keith M Kendrick(2018). Oxytocin modulates attention switching between interoceptive signals and external social cues. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(2), 294-301.

(2)Lizhu Luo, Benjamin Becker, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Zhiying Zhao, Xiaolei Xu, Feng Zhou, Jiaojian Wang, Juan Kou, Jing Dai, Keith M Kendrick(2018). A dimensional approach to determine common and specific neurofunctional markers for depression and social anxiety during emotional face processing. Human brain mapping, 39(2), 758-771.

(3)Weihua Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Jiao Le, Aiqing Ling, Fei Xin, Juan Kou, Yingying Zhang, Ruixue Luo, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2018). Oxytocin biases men to be more or less tolerant of others’ dislike dependent upon their relationship status. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 88, 167-172.


(1)Ruixue Luo, Lei Xu, Weihua Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Xiaolei Xu, Juan Kou, Zhao Gao, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick(2017). Oxytocin facilitation of acceptance of social advice is dependent upon the perceived trustworthiness of individual advisors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 83, 1-8.

(2)Xiaolei Xu, Shuxia Yao, Lei Xu, Yayuan Geng, Weihua Zhao, Xiaole Ma, Juan Kou, Ruixue Luo, Keith M Kendrick (2017). Oxytocin biases men but not women to restore social connections with individuals who socially exclude them. Scientific Reports, 7, 40589.


(1)Hongwen Song, Zhiling Zou, Juan Kou, Yang Liu, Lizhuang Yang, Anna Zilverstand, Federico d’Oleire Uquillas, Xiaochu Zhang. (2015). Love-related changes in the brain: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 71.


(1)Juan Kou, Lei Xu, Keith. M. Kendrick(2024).Altered Orbitofrontal Cortex Activation and Gaze Patterns to Happy Faces in Autistic Children Predict Adaptive Difficulties but Challenge the Social

Motivation Hypothesis. International Society for Autism Research 2024. May 14-20, 2024, Melbourne. (Poster).

(2)Juan Kou, Yingying Zhang, Feng Zhou, Cornelia Sindermann, Christian Montag, Benjamin Becker, Keith M Kendrick. (2018). Dose frequency markedly affects amygdala responses to intranasal oxytocin: therapeutic implications. Organization of Human Brain Mapping 2018. June 16-21, 2018, Singapore. (Poster).

(3)Juan Kou, Jiao Le, Meina. Fu, Yingying Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Li-Ching Lee, Keith M. Kendrick. (2018). Preference for dynamic geometric compared with social images distinguishes Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder and their symptom severity. International Society for Autism Research 2018, May 8-12, 2018, Rotterdam. (Poster).

(4)Juan Kou, Data analysis of rs-fMRI,The National University of  Malaysia Neuroimaging Workshop 2018.  May 2- 3, 2018, Malaysia . (Talk).



(1)fMRI任务态/静息态/结构像数据分析处理(Matlab, SPM, Linux, FSL, MedCalc, E-prime, R)

(2)Tobii TX300 眼动仪数据收集及处理









