时间:2024-03-12 08:03:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院



    张丹丹,四川师范大学,二级教授、博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者。以“情绪及社会认知”为主线开展工作,主持国家级科研项目五项,以最后通讯作者身份在Nature Human BehaviourThe Journal of Neuroscience、心理学报等期刊发表学术论文百余篇,总被引次达数千次,成果被路透社、合众国际社等多家重要国际媒体专题报道。任中国心理学会情绪与健康心理学专业委员会委员、脑电相关技术专业委员会委员;中国认知科学学会社会认知分会理事、认知与脑调控分会委员。获广东省自然科学二等奖、北京市科学技术二等奖、深圳市自然科学二等奖。







2005.8-2010.6         清华大学,生物医学工程系,博士学位(直博,工学)

2008.9-2009.9         美国约翰霍普金斯大学,生物医学工程系,访问博士生

2001.9-2005.7        西安交通大学,生物医学工程系,学士学位(工学)

2001.9-2005.7        西安交通大学,英语系,学士学位(文学)



2023.1-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:社会疼痛情绪调节的认知神经机制(32271102),直接经费54

2020.1-2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:抑郁症患者对社会反馈的期待、体验及情绪调节(31970980),直接经费58

2014.1-2018.12 973研究计划子课题:潜在抑郁风险的神经心理指标的获取(2014CB744602),91

2016.1-2019.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:抑郁症患者记忆抑制缺陷的脑机制(31571120),直接经费65

2014.1-2016.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目:新生儿及婴儿情绪加工脑机制的纵向研究(31300867),24





















课题组在读博士生4名、硕士生11名;已毕业硕士生18名。常年招收学术型硕博研究生,招收方向:1. 健康人群及抑郁症患者的情绪调节脑神经机制及治疗;2. 人类新生儿的情绪、语言和社会认知。有意者欢迎提前联系本人邮箱。




下载方式1https://zenodo.org/record/5496421#.ZD4h6nZByiN (需出国)

下载方式2https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ekNEUxNk4ZmoZgqIWBOHNA  Code: ISIE

说明书文档:Zixin Zheng, Sijin Li, Licheng Mo, Weimao Chen, Dandan Zhang*. ISIEA: An image database of social inclusion and exclusion in young Asian adults. Behavior Research Methods, 2022, 54(5): 2409-2421.






1.    Licheng Mo#, Sijin Li#, Si Cheng, Yiwei Li, Feng Xu, Dandan Zhang*. Emotion regulation of social pain: Double dissociation of lateral prefrontal cortices supporting reappraisal and distraction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2023,18(1), 1-10

2.    董婉欣, 于文汶, 谢慧, 张丹丹*. 人际情绪调节的认知神经基础. 心理科学进展,2024, 32(1): 131-137

3.    彭芝琳, 郑若颖, 胡晓晴, 张丹丹*. 睡眠对婴幼儿学习的记忆巩固作用. 心理科学进展,已接收

4.    莫李澄,李宜伟,张丹丹*. 社会疼痛情绪调节的认知神经机制:现状及展望. 应用心理学,2023, online

5.    莫李澄, 李思瑾, 张丹丹*. 社会疼痛情绪调节的神经机制. 心理科学, 已接收

6.    张丹丹,李思瑾. 情绪调节的神经环路及其在情绪障碍人群中的表现. 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版),2024,47(3):285-293.



7.    Zhenhong He, Sijin Li, Licheng Mo, Zixin Zheng, Yiwei Li, Hong Li, Dandan Zhang*. The VLPFC-engaged voluntary emotion regulation: Combined TMS-fMRI evidence for the neural circuit of cognitive reappraisal. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2023, 43(34):6046-6060

8.    Sijin Li, Jingxu Chen, Kexiang Gao, Feng Xu, Dandan Zhang*. Excitatory brain stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex enhances voluntary distraction in depressed patients. Psychological Medicine. 2023, 53:6646-55.

9.    Dandan Zhang, Shen Zhang, Zhen Lei, Yiwei Li, Xianchun Li, Ruolei Gu. Why people engage in corrupt collaboration: An observation at the multi-brain level. Cerebral Cortex. 2023, 33(13): 8465-8476.

10. Wenwen Yu, Yiwei Li, Xueying Cao, Licheng Mo, Yuming Chen, Dandan Zhang*. The role of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex on voluntary emotion regulation of social pain. Human Brain Mapping, 2023, 44(13): 4710-4721.

11. Jiajin Yuan#, Yueyao Zhang#, Yanli Zhao#, Kexiang Gao, Shuping Tan, Dandan Zhang*. The emotion-regulation benefits of implicit reappraisal in clinical depression: behavioral and electrophysiological evidences. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2023, 39(6):973-983.

12. Yueyao Zhang#, Sijin Li#, Kexiang Gao, Yiwei Li, Jiajin Yuan, Dandan Zhang*. Implicit, but not explicit, emotion regulation relieves unpleasant neural responses evoked by high-intensity negative images. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2023, 39(8):1278-1288.

13. Xiufu Qiu#, Zhenhong He#, Xueying Cao, Dandan Zhang*. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation affect explicit but not implicit emotion regulation: a meta-analysis. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2023, 19:15

14. 高可翔, 张岳瑶, 李思瑾, 袁加锦, 李红, 张丹丹*. 腹内侧前额叶在内隐认知重评中的因果作用. 心理学报, 2023, 55(2):210-223.

15. 张丹丹*, 李宜伟, 于文汶, 莫李澄, 彭程, 刘黎黎. 0~1 岁婴儿情绪偏向的发展:近红外成像研究. 心理学报, 2023, 55(6):920-929.

16. 王妹#,程思#, 李宜伟, 李红, 张丹丹*. 背外侧前额叶在安慰剂效应中的作用:社会情绪调节研究. 心理学报, 2023, 55 (7), 1063-1073.

17. 吴燕京, 张丹丹*. 双语新生儿语言表征的神经机制研究. 外语教学与研究. 2023, 55(5):643-652.  

18. 李思瑾, 王庭栋, 彭芝琳, 张丹丹*. 新生儿对语音的感知、辨别和学习. 心理科学进展,2023, 31(12): 2295-2305



19. YanJing Wu, Xinlin Hou, Cheng Peng, Wenwen Yu, Gary M. Oppenheim, Guillaume Thierry, Dandan Zhang*. Rapid learning of a phonemic discrimination in the first hours of life. Nature Human Behaviour, 2022, 6(8):1169-1179.

Research briefing: YanJing Wu, Dandan Zhang*. Human neonates learn to recognise speech sounds on the first day of life. Nature Human Behaviour. 2022, 6(8):1040-1041.

20. Dandan Zhang, Junshi Shen, Rong Bi, Yueyao Zhang, Fang Zhou, Chunliang Feng, Ruolei Gu*. Differentiating the abnormalities of social and monetary reward processing associated with depressive symptoms. Psychological Medicine, 2022, 52(11):2080-2094

21. Zhenhong He, Xiang Ao, Nils Muhlert, Rebecca Elliott, Dandan Zhang*. Neural substrates of expectancy violation associated with social feedback in individuals with subthreshold depression. Psychological Medicine, 2022, 52(11): 2043-51. 

22. Zixin Zheng, Sijin Li, Licheng Mo, Weimao Chen, Dandan Zhang*. ISIEA: An image database of social inclusion and exclusion in young Asian adults. Behavior Research Methods, 2022, 54(5): 2409-2421.

23. Dandan Zhang*, Xiang Ao, Zixin Zheng, Junshi Shen, Yueyao Zhang, Ruolei Gu*. Modulating social feedback processing by deep TMS targeting the medial prefrontal cortex: Behavioral and electrophysiological manifestations. Neuroimage, 2022, 250, 118967.

24. Sijin Li, Hui Xie, Zixin Zheng, Weimao Chen, Feng Xu, Xiaoqing Hu, Dandan Zhang* The causal role of the bilateral ventrolateral prefrontal cortices on emotion regulation of social feedback. Human Brain Mapping, 2022, 43(9): 2898-2910 

25. Rong Bi, Wanxin Dong, Zixin Zheng, Sijin Li, Dandan Zhang*. Altered motivation of effortful decision‐making for self and others in subthreshold. Depression and Anxiety, 2022, 39(8-9):633-645

26. Hui Xie, Licheng Mo, Sijin Li, Jialin Liang, Xiaoqing Hu*, Dandan Zhang*. Aberrant social feedback processing and its impact on memory, social evaluation, and decision-making among individuals with depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022, 300:366-376. 

27. Si Cheng, Xiufu Qiu, Sijin Li, Licheng Mo, Feng Xu, Dandan Zhang*. Different roles of the left and right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in cognitive reappraisal: An online transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2022, 16: 928077.

28. 程思, 李思瑾, 郑梓鑫, 张丹丹*. 生理疼痛和社会疼痛的脑神经机制. 生理学报. 2022, 74(4): 669-677

29. 于文汶, 王妹, 仇秀芙, 高可翔, 陈伟茂, 张丹丹*. 腹外侧前额叶经颅磁刺激对社会疼痛的影响:拒绝敏感性和抑郁的调节作用. 中国临床心理学杂志. 2022, 30(4): 985-990.

30. 于文汶, 陈淑美, 沈钧石, 张丹丹*. 婴儿对语音和非语音的感知:认知和神经机制. 心理学探新. 2022, 42(3): 201-209

31. 李宜伟, 于文汶, 侯新琳, 刘黎黎, 张丹丹*. 情绪加工的正负性偏向及其对婴儿抚育的启示. 早期儿童发展, 2022, 4:86-93.



32. Jun Zhao, Licheng Mo, Rong Bi, Zhenhong He, Yuming Chen, Feng Xu, Hui Xie, Dandan Zhang*. The VLPFC versus the DLPFC in downregulating social pain using reappraisal and distraction strategies. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 41(6):1331-1339, [press promotion] 

33. Dandan Zhang*, Junshi Shen, Sijin Li, Kexiang Gao, Ruolei Gu*. I, robot: depression plays different roles in human–human and human–robot interactions. Translational Psychiatry. (2021) 11(1):438

34. Hui Xie, Xiaoqing Hu, Licheng Mo, Dandan Zhang*. Forgetting positive social feedback is hard: ERP evidence in a directed forgetting paradigm. Psychophysiology, 2021, 58(5):e13790    

35. Lisheng Xia, Pengfei Xu, Ziyan Yang, Ruolei Gu*, Dandan Zhang*. Impaired probabilistic reversal learning in anxiety: Evidence from behavioral and ERP findings. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2021, 31:102751 

36. Jiajin Yuan, Hong Li, Quanshan Long, Jiemin Yang, Tatia M.C. Lee, Dandan Zhang*. Gender role, but not sex, shapes humans’ susceptibility to emotion. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2021, 37(2): 201-216.   

37. Yanli Zhao, Zhiren Wang, Yueyao Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jinguo Zhang, Dong Li, Chunling Xiao, Shuping Tan*, Dandan Zhang*. Impaired emotional self-referential processing in first-episode schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021, 12:591401

38. Dandan Zhang*. Social isolation is associated with smaller grey matter volumes in amygdala in people with major depression: a U.K. Biobank study. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2021, 168: S66-67.

39. 陈玉明,李思瑾,郭田友,谢慧,徐锋,张丹丹*. 背外侧前额叶对主动遗忘负性社会反馈的作用:针对抑郁症的TMS研究. 心理学报,2021, 53(10):1094-1104

40. 莫李澄, 郭田友, 张岳瑶, 徐锋, 张丹丹*. 激活右腹外侧前额叶提高抑郁症患者对社会疼痛的情绪调节能力:一项TMS研究. 心理学报, 2021, 53(5), 494-504

41. 雷震, 毕蓉, 莫李澄, 于文汶, 张丹丹*. 外显和内隐情绪韵律加工的脑机制:近红外成像研究. 心理学报, 2021, 53(1), 15-25

42. 刘珍莉, 莫李澄, 谢慧, 张丹丹*. 经颅电刺激在社会认知研究中的应用. 心理学通讯, 2021, 4(4), 247-255



43. Zhenhong He, Jun Zhao, Junshi Shen, Nils Muhlert, Rebecca Elliott, Dandan Zhang*. The right VLPFC and downregulation of social pain: A TMS study. Human Brain Mapping, 2020, 41:1362-1371.

44. Zhenhong He, Zhenli Liu, Jun Zhao, Rebecca Elliott, Dandan Zhang*. Improving emotion regulation of social exclusion in depression-prone individuals: A tDCS study targeting right VLPFC. Psychological Medicine, 2020, 50(16):2768-2779. 

45. Ruolei Gu, Xiang Ao, Licheng Mo, Dandan Zhang*. Neural correlates of negative expectancy and impaired social feedback processing in social anxiety. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2020, 15(3), 303-317

46. Hui Xie, Yu Chen, Yiqin Lin, Xiaoqing Hu*, Dandan Zhang*. Can't Forget: Disruption of the right prefrontal cortex impairs voluntary forgetting in explicit, but not implicit memory test. Memory, 2020, 28:1, 60-69. 

47. Lisheng Xia, Licheng Mo, Jian Wang, Weifeng Zhang, Dandan Zhang*. Trait anxiety attenuates response inhibition: Evidence from an ERP study using the Go/Nogo task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2020, 14:28.

48. Xiang Ao, Licheng Mo, Zhaoguo Wei, Wenwen Yu, Fang Zhou, Dandan Zhang*. Negative bias during early attentional engagement in major depressive disorder as examined using a two-stage model: high sensitivity to sad but bluntness to happy cues. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020, 14:593010 

49. 张丹丹, 王驹, 赵君, 陈淑美, 黄琰淋, 高秋凤*. 抑郁对合作的影响:双人同步近红外脑成像研究. 心理学报,2020, 52(5), 609-622

50. 陈钰,张丹丹*. 新生儿语音感知的脑机制. 心理科学, 2020, 43(4): 844-849

51. 陈钰,莫李澄,张丹丹*. 新生儿语音感知的神经基础:元分析. 心理科学进展. 2020, 28(8):1273-1281

52. 莫李澄, 张丹丹*. 成人依恋对心理压力的影响:自我批评的中介作用. 心理学通讯, 2020, 3(3): 162-169



53. Dandan Zhang#, Yiqin Lin#, Yiming Jing, Chunliang Feng, Ruolei Gu*. The dynamics of belief updating in human cooperation: findings from inter-brain ERP hyperscanning. NeuroImage, 2019, 198,1-12

54. Dandan Zhang, Yu Chen, Xinlin Hou, Yanjing Wu. Near-infrared spectroscopy reveals neural perception of vocal emotions in human neonates. Human Brain Mapping, 2019, 40(8): 2434-2448 [cover article]. 

55. Zhenhong He, Dandan Zhang*, Nils Muhlert, Rebecca Elliott. Neural substrates for anticipation and consumption of social and monetary incentives in depression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2019, 14(8), 815-826

56. Qiufeng Gao, Ge Jia, Jun Zhao, Dandan Zhang*. Inhibitory control in excessive social networking users: Evidence from an ERP-based Go-Nogo task. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019, 10:1810

57. Sun Guoyu, Xie Hui, Liu Yanan, Chen Yu, Hou Xinlin*, Dandan Zhang*. Impact of brain injury on processing of emotional prosodies in neonates. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2019, 7:192 

58. 张丹丹,陈钰,刘珍莉,敖翔,孙国玉,刘黎黎,侯新琳,陈玉明*。新生儿情绪性语音加工的正性偏向——来自事件相关电位的证据。心理学报 2019, 51(4), 462-470

59. 张丹丹,刘珍莉,陈钰,买晓琴*。右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS研究。心理学报 2019, 51(2),207-215

60. 张丹丹, 蔺义芹, 柳昀哲, 罗跃嘉, 蒋冬红*. 厌恶与恐惧面孔的记忆编码、保持、提取. 心理学报. 2019, 51(1), 36-47

61. 谢慧, 罗跃嘉, 张丹丹*. 基于N-back任务的抑郁群体工作记忆更新研究进展和展望. 心理学通讯, 2019, 2(1): 43-49

62. 王驹, 谢慧, 张丹丹*. 公平、合作与信任三种亲社会行为的认知神经机制. 心理学通讯 2019, 2(2):124-131



63. Dandan Zhang, Ruolei Gu*. Behavioral preference in sequential decision-making and its association with anxiety. Human Brain Mapping, 2018, 39(6): 2482-99.

64. Zhenhong He, Yiqin Lin, Lisheng Xia, Zhenli Liu, Dandan Zhang*, Rebecca Elliott. Critical Role of the Right VLPFC in Emotional Regulation of Social Exclusion: A tDCS Study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2018, 13(4): 357-366.

65. Donghong Jiang#, Dandan Zhang#, Yuming Chen, Zhenhong He, Qiufeng Gao, Ruolei Gu*, Pengfei Xu. Trait anxiety and probabilistic learning: Behavioral and electrophysiological findings. Biological Psychology 2018, 132: 17-26.

66. Ruolei Gu, Dandan Zhang*, Yi Luo, Hongyan Wang, Lucas S. Broster. Predicting risk decisions in a modified Balloon Analogue Risk Task: conventional and single-trial ERP analyses. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 2018, 18: 99-116.

67. Dandan Zhang, Yu Zhou, Jiajin Yuan*. Speech Prosodies of Different Emotional Categories Activate Different Brain Regions in Adult Cortex: an fNIRS Study. Scientific Reports 2018, 8: 218.

68. Hui Xie, Donghong Jiang, Dandan Zhang*. Individuals with depressive tendencies experience difficulty in forgetting negative material: two mechanisms revealed by ERP data in the directed forgetting paradigm. Scientific Reports 2018, 8:1113.

69. Zhenhong He, Zhenli Liu, Ju Wang, Dandan Zhang*. Gender differences in processing fearful and angry body expressions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2018, 12:164

70. Dandan Zhang#, Hui Xie#, Zhenhong He, Zhaoguo Wei, Ruolei Gu*. Impaired working memory updating for emotional stimuli in depressed patients. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2018, 12: 65

71. Yuming Chen#, Dandan Zhang#, Donghong Jiang*. Effects of directed attention on subsequent processing of emotions: Increased attention to unpleasant pictures occurs in the late positive potential. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018, 9:1127.

72. 蔺义芹, 谢慧, 夏礼胜, 张丹丹*. 正常人以及精神障碍人群在合作与竞争中表现。心理科学, 2018, 41(1): 225-230

73. 何振宏, 张丹丹*. 抑郁个体对社会反馈的加工:研究现状及存在问题。心理科学, 2018, 41(1): 231-237

74. 何振宏, 张丹丹*. 抑郁对社会决策的影响, 心理科学, 2018, 41:(2): 403-409

75. 王驹, 张丹丹*. 面孔信任度评价的神经基础及认知理论, 心理研究, 2018, 11(4): 298-305



76. Dandan Zhang, Yunzhe Liu, Lili Wang, Hui Ai*, et al. Mechanism for attentional modulation by threatening emotions of fear, anger and disgust. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 2017, 17(1): 198-210.

77. Dandan Zhang, Yu Zhou, Xinlin Hou*, et al. Discrimination of emotional prosodies in human neonates: a pilot fNIRS study. Neuroscience Letters 2017, 658: 62-66.

78. Lili Wang, Lisheng Xia, Dandan Zhang*. Face-body integration of intense emotional expressions of victory and defeat. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(2): e0171656.

79. Lisheng Xia, Ruolei Gu, Dandan Zhang*, et al. Anxious individuals are impulsive decision-makers in the delay discounting task: an ERP study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2017, 11:5.

80. 周玉, 张丹丹*.婴儿情绪与社会认知相关的听觉加工, 心理科学进展, 2017, 25(1): 67-75.

81. 蔺义芹, 张丹丹*. 超扫描技术在社会认知神经科学中的作用, 应用心理学, 2017, 23(4): 300-308.



82. Dandan Zhang#, Zhenhong He#, Yuming Chen, Zhaoguo Wei*. Deficits of unconscious emotional processing in patients with major depression: an ERP study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2016, 199: 13-20.

83. Dandan Zhang, Hui Xie, Yunzhe Liu, Yuejia Luo*. Neural correlates underlying impaired memory facilitation and suppression of negative material in depression. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 37556.

84. Yunzhe Liu, Dandan Zhang*, et al. Deficits in attentional processing of fearful facial expressions in schizophrenic patients. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:32594.

85. Dandan Zhang, Yanli Zhao, Yunzhe Liu, Shuping Tan*, et al. Perception of the duration of emotional faces in schizophrenic patients. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:22280.

86. 何振宏,赵婷,张丹丹*.正立和倒立的威胁性身体表情的识别, 心理科学, 2016, 39(1): 158-165.

87. 张丹丹*, . 记忆抑制在正常人群与抑郁人群中的研究进展, 心理科学, 2016, 39(2): 485-489.



88. Yunzhe Liu, Wanjun Lin, Pengfei Xu, Dandan Zhang*, Yuejia Luo. Neural basis of disgust perception in racial prejudice. Human Brain Mapping 2015, 36:5275-86. 

89. Yunzhe Liu; Dandan Zhang*; Yuejia Luo. How Disgust Facilitates Avoidance: An ERP Study on Attention Modulation by Threats. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2015, 10:598-604

90. Dandan Zhang, Haiyan Ding, Xiaochun Wang*, et al. Enhanced response inhibition in experienced fencers. Scientic Reports 2015, 5:16282.

91. 张丹丹*, . 恐惧情绪面孔和身体姿势加工的比较:事件相关电位研究, 心理学报, 2015, 47(8): 963-970.

92. 何振宏, 张丹丹*, . 抑郁症人群的心境一致性认知偏向, 心理科学进展, 2015, 23(12): 2118-2128.



93. Dandan Zhang*, et al. Reference values for amplitude-integrated EEGs in infants from preterm to 3.5 months of age. Pediatrics 2011, 127: e1280-7. 

94. Yanli Zhao#, Dandan Zhang#, Shuping Tan*, et al. Neural correlates of abolished self-referential effect in schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine 2014, 44(3):477-487.

95. Dandan Zhang, Wenbo Luo*, et al. Single-trial ERP evidence for the three-stage scheme of facial expression processing. Science China (Life Sciences) 2013, 56(9): 835-47.

96. Dandan Zhang, Weiqi He, Ting Wang, Wenbo Luo*, et al. Three stages of emotional word processing: an ERP study with rapid serial visual presentation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2014, 9:1897-903.

97. Dandan Zhang, Ruolei Gu*, et al. An electrophysiological index of changes in risk decision-making strategies. Neuropsychologia 2013, 51(8): 1397-407.

98. Dandan Zhang, Xiaofeng Jia, Haiyan Ding, Datian Ye, Nitish V. Thakor*. Application of Tsallis entropy to EEG: quantifying the presence of burst suppression after asphyxial cardiac arrest in rats. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2010, 57:867-74.

99. Dandan Zhang, Xinlin Hou*, et al. The utility of amplitude-integrated EEG and NIRS measurements as indexes of hypoxic-ischemia in the newborn pig. Clinical Neurophysiology 2012, 123:1668-75.

100.         Dandan Zhang, Wenbo Luo*, et al. Single-trial ERP analysis reveals facial expression category in a three-stage scheme. Brain Research 2013, 1512:78-88.

101.         Yue Huang, Xin Chen, Jun Zhang, Delu Zeng, Dandan Zhang*, et al. Single-trial ERPs denoising via collaborative filtering on ERPs images. 2014, 149:914-23.

102.         Dandan Zhang, Yunzhe Liu, Chenglin Zhou*, et al. Spatial attention effects of disgusted and fearful faces. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(7):e101608 

103.         Dandan Zhang, Haiyan Ding, Lili Liu, Xinlin Hou*, et al. The Prognostic Value of Amplitude-Integrated EEG in Full-Term Neonates with Seizures. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(11):e78960.

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