时间:2024-03-12 08:26:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院






w   2010.9-2014.6,浙江大学,心理与行为科学系,心理学,本科

w   2014.9-2020.9,浙江大学,心理与行为科学系,发展与教育心理学,硕博连读



w   发展心理学(儿童青少年工作记忆、心理理论等认知功能的发展)

w   网络心理学(网络社交符号emoji的认知机制)

w   人工智能与教育(ChatGPT等生成式自然语言模型、数字人技术等,在高等教育中的应用)



w   Yuwen Li, Dandan Zhang, Xin Liu, Dong Guo*, Processing facial emojis as social information: Evidence from visual working memory for facial emojis, simple shapes, human faces, and their relations to theory of mind, Computers in Human Behavior (中科院一区topIF=9.9), 2024

w   ChatGPT Affordances Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Utilizing ChatGPT as Teacher, Partner, and Assessment Tool for English Learning in Writing and Speaking, 投稿中

w   Dong Guo, Yudan Wang, Yifan Liao, Jiaofeng Li, Xingyi Zhang, Zaifeng Gao*, Mowei Shen*, Jie He*, Development of information integration in the visual working memory of preschoolers, Child Development (中科院一区topIF=5.6), 2022

w   Linlin Gong, Dong Guo, Zaifeng Gao*, Kunlin Wei*, Atypical development of social and  nonsocial working memory capacity among preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders, Autism Research (中科院一区,IF=4.7), 2022

w   Jie He, Dong Guo, Shuyi Zhai, Mowei Shen*, and Zaifeng Gao*, Development of Social Working Memory in Preschoolers and Its Relation to Theory of Mind, Child Development (中科院一区topIF=5.6)

w   Jie He, Dong Guo, Qing Zhang, Yuxia Liu, Liyue Lou, and Mowei Shen* (2016), The Influence of Goal Value on Persistence in Exuberant Chinese Children, Social Development



w   Children Begin to Use Similarity and Closure Cues to Integrate Information in Visual Working Memory at 5 Years old, 2018, 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV) and the 3rd China Vision Science Conference (CVSC)

w   The development of Social Working Memory in Preschoolers and Its Relationship with Theory of Mind, 2017, Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development

w   The Influence of Goal Value on Persistence in Exuberant Chinese Children, 2015,中国心理学会发展心理学专业委员会第十三届学术年会

w   儿童的生气情绪与对奖惩线索的选择性注意, 2014, 第十七届全国心理学学术会议



w   李毓文:简单客体还是复杂客体?——Emoji在工作记忆中的认知加工特性,2022年第九届网络时代的心理与行为研究前沿研讨会

w   李毓文:Emoji的社会认知加工特性及其与心理理论关系的研究:来自Emojis、简单图形和人脸的视觉工作记忆证据,第二十五届全国心理学学术会议,获得硕博论坛“未来之星”论文汇编奖

w   张丹丹:当教育遇上AI:ChatGPT与视频教学的智慧对决,第二十五届全国心理学学术会议,获得硕博论坛“未来之星”论文汇编奖



w   网络行为研究

w   网络心理学实验编程

w   行为研究技术

w   心理学研究前沿