时间:2024-03-12 08:18:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院


雷怡,二级教授,博导,国家级人才入选者,科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目青年科学家项目主持人,四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省“天府青城计划”(科技菁英),中国心理学会理事,中国心理学会行为与健康心理学专委会副主任,中国心理学会发展心理学专委会委员,中国心理学会情绪与健康心理学专业委员会委员;主要从事恐惧学习与焦虑的相关研究。主持国家科技部重大项目1项、教育部哲社重大攻关项目子课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目4项,教改项目3项;以第一或通讯作者在Behavioral and Brain SciencesJournal of anxiety disordersNeuroimageCerebral cortex、心理学报等国内外高水平刊物发表论文70余篇;曾获“教育部霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年科学奖、第六届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖”等。






2007/9 - 2010/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,博士

2005/9 - 2007/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,硕士

2001/9 - 2005/6,四川师范大学,教育学,学士



2020/5- 至今,  四川师范大学脑与心理科学研究院教授

2015/7 - 2020/4 深圳大学心理与社会学院副教授、特聘研究员

2012/7- 2015/6 辽宁师范大学心理学院副教授

2010/7- 2012/6 西南大学心理学院讲师



主持:青少年焦虑发生发展的早期预防及脑机制. 500. 项目号:2022ZD0210900. 科技部重大项目(科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目). 2022.082027.07

主持:“百年来我国心理学发展回顾与创新研究”第三个子课题:“科学正确理解心理现象及其体系的心理学本体论”. 20. 项目号:21JZD063. 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(子课题3负责人). 2022.012026.12

主持:无意识恐惧影响青少年焦虑的认知神经机制及其干预研究. 54. 项目号:32271142. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2023.012026.12

主持: 社会关系影响恐惧泛化的认知神经机制研究. 62. 项目号:31871130. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2019.012022.12

主持: 类别、 概念和归纳过程在恐惧泛化中的作用及其认知神经机制. 64. 项目号:31571153. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2016.012019.12

主持: 类概念层级关系加工的发展认知神经机制研究. 21. 项目号:31100740. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2012.012014.12



主持:2018年度广东省高等教育教学改革项目.(基于MOOC的“心理学原理”微课程开发研究). 2. 广东省

主持:2017-2018年度UOOC联盟MOOC建设课程. 3. 深圳大学

主持:2017年度深圳大学教学改革研究项目. 0.8. 深圳大学


















n  2024

1.      Wang, Y., Becker, B., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Mei, Y., Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2024). Exaggerated sensitivity to threat and reduced medial prefrontal engagement during threat generalization in reactive aggressive adolescents. NeuroImage, 294, 120645.

2.      Luo, X., Shen, Y., Sun, L., Qi, X., Hong, J., Wang, Y., Che, X., & Lei, Y*. (2024). Investigating the effects and efficacy of self-compassion intervention on generalized anxiety disorders. Journal of affective disorders, S0165-0327(24)00858-9.

3.      Zhang, J.#, Wang, J.#, Wang, Y., Zhang, D., Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2024). Sleep deprivation increases the generalization of perceptual and concept-based fear: An fNIRS study. Journal of anxiety disorders, 105, 102892.

4.      Mei, Y., Becker, B., Leppänen, P. H. T., & Lei, Y*. (2024). Exploring the 'black box' of anxiety: An ERP study of non-consciously triggered fear generalization. Behaviour research and therapy, 178, 104552. 

5.      Wang, J.#, Shen, S.#, Becker, B., Hei Lam Tsang, M., Mei, Y., Wikgren, J., &  Lei, Y.*. (2024). Neurocognitive mechanisms of mental imagery-based disgust learning. Behaviour research and therapy, 175, 104502.

6.      Wu, Q.#, Xu, L.#, Wan, J., Yu, Z., & Lei, Y*. (2024). Intolerance of uncertainty affects the behavioral and neural mechanisms of higher generalization. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 34(4), bhae153.

7.      Wang, J., Becker, B., Wang, Y., Ming, X., Lei, Y.*, & Wikgren, J. (2024). Conceptual-level disgust conditioning in contamination-based obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychophysiology, e14637.

8.      Qiu, Y., Dou, H., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Shen, D., Li, H.*, & Lei, Y*. (2024). Reduced generalization of reward among individuals with subthreshold depression: Behavioral and EEG evidence. International journal of psychophysiology, 200, 112339.

9.      雷怡*, 梅颖, 王金霞, 袁子昕. (2024). 焦虑青少年无意识恐惧的神经机制及干预. 心理科学进展 , 32(8), 1221-1232.

10. 刘欣, 梅颖, 吴奇, 雷怡*. (2024). 恐惧反转学习:一种新的恐惧调节手段. 心理科学, 47(2): 494-501.

11. 周子涵, 潘文谊, 邱依雯, 李红& 雷怡*.(2024).音乐疗法干预焦虑的作用机制. 中国临床心理学杂志(03),711-716.

n  2023

12. Lei, Y.#*, Wang, Y#. Y., Wan, J. M.#, Patel, C., & Li, H.* (2023). Association between negative parent-related family interactions and child social anxiety: A cross-cultural systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of anxiety disorders, 99, 102771.

13. Lin, J., Zhao, R., Li, H., Lei, Y.*, & Cuijpers, P*. (2023). Looking back on life: An updated meta-analysis of the effect of life review therapy and reminiscence on late-life depression. Journal of affective disorders, 347, 163–174.

14. Luo, X., Che, X., & Lei, Y*. (2023). Characterizing the effects of self-compassion interventions on anxiety: Meta-analytic evidence from randomized controlled studies. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 132–141.

15. Lou, Y., Chen, S., Hu, G., Astikainen, P., Otieno-Leppänen, S. C. S. A., Lei, Y.*, & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2023). Altered temporoparietal junction activity during reflected self-evaluation in sub-clinical depression. Cerebral cortex, 33(12), 7553–7563.

16. Haoran Dou, Yi Lei*, Yafeng Pan, Hong Li, & Piia Astikainen, (2023). Impact of observational and direct learning on fear conditioning generalization in humans. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 121, 110650.

17. 梅颖, 刘郡彤, 刘红红, 傅洋, 罗熙, 雷怡*. (2023). 自悯写作对恐惧消退的促进作用. 心理学报, 55(8), 1317-1329.

18. 张婕,张火垠,李红 & 雷怡*.(2023).睡眠对恐惧学习的影响及其认知神经机制. 心理科学进展(04),631-640.

19. 刘沛菡,张火垠,张旭凯,李红 & 雷怡*.(2023).急性疼痛与慢性疼痛对奖赏加工的影响及神经机制. 心理科学进展(03),402-415.

20. Pan, W., Lu, J., Wu, L., Kou, J.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Expending effort may share neural responses with reward and evokes high subjective satisfaction. Biological psychology, 177, 108480.

21. Cao, L., Yang, X., He, Z.*, Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2023). Effects of depressive symptoms on regulating emotional goals: Preferences for distinct facial emotions. Biological psychology, 179, 108539.

22. Mei, Y., Tan, L., Yang, W., Luo, J., Xu, L.*, Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2023). Risk perception and gratitude mediate the negative relationship between COVID-19 management satisfaction and public anxiety. Scientific reports, 13(1), 3335.

23. Zhou, X., Gu, Y., Huang, L.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Individual differences in contextual threat generalisation and uncertainty: The role of intolerance of uncertainty. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie, 58(4), 322–331.

24. Zhou, X., Gu, Y., Wang, J., Huang, L.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Intolerance of uncertainty enhances generalisation of cued conditioned threat: An event-related potential study. Biological psychology, 181, 108601.

25. 申思怡, 梅颖, 王金霞, 戴雨芊, 吴奇, 雷怡*. (2023). 条件学习视角下的恐惧与厌恶[J]. 心理科学, 46(4): 825-832.

26. 戴雨芊, 窦皓然, 雷怡*. (2023). 纯粹他人在场增强恐惧泛化[J]. 心理科学, 46(3): 752-759.

n  2022

27. Jingyuan Lin, Pim Cuijpers, Hong Li* and Yi Lei*.(2022). Harm or protection? Two-sided consequences of females’susceptible responses to multiple threats. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, e128: 44–46.

28. Qiu, Y.#, Dou, H.#, Dai, Y., Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2022) The influence of being left behind on fear acquisition and academic performance: a study of left-behind children. Current Psychology, 1-12.

29. 韩瑞康, 林静远, 梅颖, 李开云, 林丰勋, 雷怡*, 李红. (2022). 不确定感与从众:决断性与结构需求的中介作用[J]. 心理与行为研究, 20(2): 174-181.

30. Wang, J., Sun, X., Becker, B.*, & Lei, Y*. (2022). Common and separable behavioral and neural mechanisms underlie the generalization of fear and disgust. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 116, 110519.

31. 周晓,赵一燕,黄砾卉 & 雷怡*.(2022).恐惧学习的发展认知神经机制研究回顾与展望. 心理发展与教育(02),295-304.

32. Dou, H.#, Dai, Y.#, Qiu, Y., & Lei, Y.* (2022). Attachment voices promote safety learning in humans: A critical role for P2. Psychophysiology, 59(6), e13997.


n  2021

34. Lou, Y., Lei, Y.*, Astikainen, P., Peng, W., Otieno, S., & Leppänen, P. (2021). Brain responses of dysphoric and control participants during a self-esteem implicit association test. Psychophysiology, 58(4), e13768.

35. Ming, X., Lou, Y., Zou, L., Lei, Y.*, Li, H., & Li, Y. (2021). The cumulative effect of positive and negative feedback on emotional experience. Psychophysiology, 58(12), e13935.

36. Wang, J., E, M., Wu, Q., Xie, T., Dou, H., & Lei, Y*. (2021). Influence of Perceptual and Conceptual Information on Fear Generalization: A Behavioral and Event-Related Potential Study. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 21(5), 1054–1065.

37. Wang, J.#, Wang, Y.#, Liao, M., Zou, Y., Lei, Y.*, & Zhu, Y. (2021). Conditioned generalisation in generalised anxiety disorder: the role of concurrent perceptual and conceptual cues. Cognition & emotion, 35(8), 1516–1526.

38. Wang, J., Sun, X., Lu, J., Dou, H., & Lei, Y*. (2021). Generalization gradients for fear and disgust in human associative learning. Scientific reports, 11(1), 14210.

39. Zhang, H.#, Zhang, S.#, Lu, J., Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2021). Social exclusion increases the executive function of attention networks. Scientific reports, 11(1), 9494.

40. 刘佳宁,吴奇,谢涛,俄眉,王金霞 & 雷怡*.(2021).应激激素对恐惧消退作用的神经生理机制. 心理科学(03),559-566.

41. 王亚捷,林静远,谢涛,俄眉,吴奇 & 雷怡*.(2021).运动如何影响青少年抑郁:回顾与展望. 心理科学(05),1208-1215.

42. 邱依雯,娄熠雪 & 雷怡*.(2021).青少年抑郁:基于社会支持的视角. 心理发展与教育(02),288-297.

n  2020

43. Dou, H.#, Lei, Y.#*, Cheng, X., Wang, J.,& Leppänen, P. (2020) Social exclusion influences conditioned fear acquisition and generalization: A mediating effect from the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage, 218, 116735.

44. Lei, Y., Mei, Y., Dai, Y., & Peng, W*. (2020). Taxonomic relations evoke more fear than thematic relations after fear conditioning: An EEG study. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 167, 107099.

45. Dou, H., Zou, L., Becker, B., & Lei, Y*. (2020). Intranasal oxytocin decreases fear generalization in males, but does not modulate discrimination threshold. Psychopharmacology, 238(3), 677–689.

46. Gu, Y.#, Gu, S.#, Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2020). From Uncertainty to Anxiety: How Uncertainty Fuels Anxiety in a Process Mediated by Intolerance of Uncertainty. Neural plasticity, 8866386.

47. 雷怡*,夏琦,莫志凤 & 李红.(2020).面孔可爱度和客观熟悉度对婴儿面孔注意偏向效应的影响. 心理学报(07),811-822.

48. 杨文敏,鲁嘉晨,谭欣,梁静远,雷怡*. (2020) 大学生主观童年创伤对抑郁的影响:抗挫折能力和外向性的多重中介效应. 心理发展与教育,37(01):128-136.

n  2019

49. Lei, Y., Wang, J., Zhu, Y., Chen, Q.*, & Li, H. (2019). P300 and positive slow waves reveal the plausibility in inductive reasoning. Psychophysiology, 56(6), e13337.

50.  Lei, Y.#*, Lu, J.#, Zhang, H., Wang, C., Wei, S., Zhu, Y.2019Cooperation moderates the impact of effort on reward valuation. Neuropsychologia, 135, 107214. 

51. Lei, Y.#*, Wang, J.#, Dou, H., Qiu, Y., Li, H. (2019). Influence of typicality in  category−based fear generalization: Diverging evidence from the P2 and N400 effect, International Journal of Psychophysiology,135, 12−20.

52. Mei, Y., Dai, Y., Lei, Y. *2019.The Influence of Hierarchical Masks on Masked Repetition Priming: Evidence From Event-Related Potentia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience1-913.

53. Lei, Y.*, Wang, Y., Wang, C., Wang, J., Lou, Y., Li, H. (2019) .Taking Familiar Others’ Perspectives to Regulate Our Own Emotion: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:1419.  

54. Lou, Y., Lei, Y.*, Mei, Y., Leppänen, P. Li, H. (2019). Review of Abnormal Self-Knowledge in Major Depressive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10:130. 

55. 雷怡*, 孙晓莹, 窦皓然 (2019). 恐惧与厌恶情绪图片系统的编制:基于两种情绪的区分. 心理科学,42(3):11-18. 

56. 张忠炉, 邢强, 雷怡*李红. (2019). 组块紧密性导致组块破解困难:部件类型还是交错关系?. 心理科学, 42(1), 2-7.

57. 张忠炉, 邢强, 雷怡*李红. (2019). 顿悟式组块破解的时间进程:ERP研究. 心理科学, 42(5), 1026-1032.

58. Yao M.L.#, Lei Y.#, Li P.#, Ye Q., Liu Y., Li X.Y., Peng W.W*. (2019). Shared sensitivity to physical pain and social evaluation. The journal of pain, 21(5-6), 677–688.  

59. Peng, W.#, Meng, J.#, Lou, Y., Li, X., Lei, Y.*, & Yan, D*. (2019). Reduced empathic pain processing in patients with somatoform pain disorder: Evidence from behavioral and neurophysiological measures. International journal of psychophysiology, 139, 40–47. 

60. Zhang, Z.* , Luo, Y. , Wang, C., Christopher, W., Xia, Q. , Xing, Q. , Cao, B., Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2019). Identification and transformation difficulty in problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence from chunk decomposition. Biological psychology, 143,10-23.

n  2018

61. Li, P., Yin, H., Xu, H. , Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2018) . Disappearance of self-serving bias: reward positivity reflects performance monitoring modulated by responsibility attribution in a two-person cooperative task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 133, 17-27.

62. 雷怡*,梅颖,张文海 & 李红.(2018).基于知觉的恐惧泛化的认知神经机制. 心理科学进展(08),1391-1403.

63. 徐进, 李红, & 雷怡*. (2018). 情境信息对模糊表情识别的影响及其作用机制. 心理科学进展, 26(11), 65-72.

n  2017

64. Chen, Q., Liang, X., Peng, X., Liu, Y., Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2017). The modulation of causal contexts in motion processes judgment as revealed by P2 and P3. Biological Psychology, 123, 141–154.  

65. Lei, Y.*, Liang, X., Lin, C.2017. How do the hierarchical levels of premises affect category-based induction: diverging effects from the P300 and N400. Scientific Reports7: 11758.

66. 雷怡*,王金霞,陈庆飞,张文海 & 梅颖.(2017).分类和概念对恐惧泛化的影响机制. 心理科学(05),1266-1273.

67. 龙长权#, 李晓芳#, 雷怡* (2017).类别归纳中典型性效应的ERP反应.中国科学:生命科学,47(3):325-340.

68. Zhang, X.#, Lei, Y. #, Yin, H., Li, P. *, Li, H.2017. Slow Is Also Fast: Feedback Delay Affects Anxiety and Outcome Evaluation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience1-1220.

69. Lei, Y. #, Dou, H. #, Liu, Q., Zhang, W.*, Zhang, Z., Li, H.* (2017). Automatic processing of emotional words in the absence of awareness: the critical role of p2. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(8).

n  2016

70. Liang, X., Chen, Q.*, Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2016). How types of premises modulate the typicality effect in category-based induction: diverging evidence from the P2, P3, and LPC effects. Scientific Reports, 6, 37890.

71. Zhang, Z., Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2016). Approaching the Distinction between Intuition and Insight. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016,7.

n  2015

72. Liang, X.#, Chen, Q.#, Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2015). The Processing of Causal and Hierarchical Relations in Semantic Memory as Revealed by N400 and Frontal Negativity. PloS one, 10(7), e0132679.

73. Zhang, Z.#, Yang, K.#, Warren, C. M., Zhao, G., Li, P., Lei, Y.*, & Li, H.*(2015). The influence of element type and crossed relation on the difficulty of chunk decomposition. Frontiers in psychology, 6.

74. 梁秀玲,李鹏,陈庆飞,雷怡*, (2015). 提取学习有利于学习与记忆的认知神经基础.心理科学进展, 23(7): 1151–1159.

75. Chen, Q., Ye, C., Liang, X., Cao, B., Lei, Y.*, Li, H.*2015.Automatic processing of taxonomic and thematic relations in semantic priming — Differentiation by early N400 and late frontal negativity. Neuropsychologia64 (2014) 54–62.

76. Chen, Q., Liang, X., Li, P., Ye, C., Li, F., Lei, Y. *, Li, H.* (2015). The processing of perceptual similarity with different features or spatial relations as revealed by P2/P300 amplitude. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 95(3), 379-387.

77. Chen, Q., Liang, X., Lei, Y.*, Li, H*. (2015). Electrophysiological difference between the representations of causal judgment and associative judgment in semantic memory. Acta psychologica, 157, 176-184.

n  2014

78. Chen, Q. F., Roberson, D., Liang, X. L., Lei, Y*., Li, H. (2014). Accessing the asymmetrical representations of causal relations and hierarchical relations in semantic memory. Journal of cognitive psychology, 26, 559-570.

79. Feng, X.#, Peng, L.#, Chang-Quan, L., Yi, L.*, & Hong, L*. (2014). Relational complexity modulates activity in the prefrontal cortex during numerical inductive reasoning: an fMRI study. Biological psychology, 101, 61–68.

n  2013

80. Chen, Q. F., Li, P., Xi, L., Li, F. H., Lei, Y.,* Li, H.* (2013). How do taxonomic versus thematic relations impact similarity and difference judgments? An ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 90, 135–142.

n  2012

81. 龙长权, 李红, 邓小凤, 袁颖, 李军, 雷怡*. (2012). 相似和相同语言标签对幼儿归纳推理的影响. 心理发展与教育, (3), 239-247.

n  2010

82. Lei, Y., Li, F. H., Long, C. Q., Li, P., Chen, Q. F., Ni, Y. Y., Li, H.* (2010). How Does Typicality of Category Members Affect the Deductive Reasoning? An ERP Study. Experimental brain research, 204, 47-56.

83. 陈庆飞#, 雷怡#, 李红. (2010). 不同概念范畴和特征类别对儿童归纳推理多样性效应的影响.心理学报, 42, 241-250.

n  2008

84. 雷怡, 贾红桃, 张婷, 李秀珊, 李红*. (2008). 儿童对假装中的心理表征及意图的理解. 心理发展与教育, 24, 119-124.

n  2007

85. 雷怡, 李红*. (2007). 5岁儿童能够理解假装中的心理表征:对 MOE 任务的质疑. 心理科学, 30, 741-745.