时间:2024-03-12 08:05:00    编辑:脑与心理科学研究院







201510月—20185         于韦斯屈莱大学(芬兰),认知科学,哲学博士,导师:Tapani Ristaniemi教授、Pertti Saariluoma教授、刘强教授、丛丰裕教授

20129月—20156           闽南师范大学,应用心理学,教育学硕士,导师:张灵聪教授、刘强教授

20069月—201010         广州中医药大学,应用心理学,理学学士,导师:邱鸿钟教授



内部注意专题研究进展(一)     36课时

内部注意专题研究进展(二)     36课时

学习与记忆心理学专题           36课时

学习与记忆心理学前沿           36课时



主持:Säätiöiden Post Doc-pooli Grant国际交流项目,20232024,经费10.1万欧元

主持:Academy of Finland国际合作项目(333649),20202023,经费32.6万欧元

主持:Finnish Cultural Foundation2020-2021,经费3万欧元

主持: 国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号3170094820182020,经费25

主持:Otta M. Foundation2018,经费 0.6万欧元





担任学术期刊Frontiers in Neuroscience副主编、BMC PsychologyPlos One编委会成员。

担任学术期刊Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Journal of Affective Disorders; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Neuropsychologia; Cognition and Emotion; Perception; BMC Psychology; Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers in Psychology; Frontiers in Pharmacology; Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine; Neural Plasticity; Plos One; Scientific Reports审稿人。


Psychonomic Society(心理学协会)会员、Vision Sciences Society(视觉科学学会)会员、Society for Psychophysiological Research(心理生理学研究学会)会员、Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science(加拿大大脑、行为和认知科学学会)会员 、中国心理学会会员。




1.     Ye, C., Guo, L., Wang, N., Liu, Q.*, & Xie, W.* (2024). Perceptual encoding benefit of visual memorability on visual memory formation. Cognition, 248, 105810.

2.     Ye, C., Liu, R., Guo, L., Zhao, G., & Liu, Q.* (2024). A negative emotional state impairs individuals’ ability to filter distractors from working memory: an ERP study. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 24:491–504.

3.     Ye, C.#, Xu, Q.#, Pan, Z., Nie, Q. Y.*, & Liu, Q.* (2024). The differential impact of face distractors on visual working memory across encoding and delay stages. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (In press).

4.     Ye, C., Xu, Q., Li, X., Vuoriainen, E., Liu, Q.* & Astikainen, P.* (2023). Alterations in working memory maintenance of fearful face distractors in depressed participants: an ERP study. Journal of Vision, 3;23(1):10, 1-17.

5.     Xu, Q., Ye, C.*, Li, X., Zhao, G., & Astikainen, P. (2023). Pain modulates early sensory brain responses to task-irrelevant emotional faces. European Journal of Pain. 27(6), 668-681.

6.     Liu, R. #, Guo, L. #, Sun, H., Parviainen, T., Zhou, Z., Cheng, Y., Liu, Q,* & Ye, C.* (2023). Sustained Attention Required for Effective Dimension-Based Retro-Cue Benefit in Visual Working Memory. Journal of Vision. 23(5):13.

7.     Xu, Q., Liu, Q., & Ye, C.*. (2023). Cognitive mechanisms of visual attention, working memory, emotion, and their interactions. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 1259002.

8.     Fu, X.#, Ye, C.#, Hu, Z., Li, Z., Liang, T., & Liu, Q.* (2022). The impact of retro-cue validity on working memory representation: Evidence from electroencephalograms. Biological Psychology, 170, 108320.

9.     Liu, X.#, Liu, R.#, Guo, L., Astikainen, P. & Ye, C.* (2022). Encoding-specificity instead of online integration of real-world spatial regularities for objects in working memory. Journal of Vision, 22(9):8, 1-20.

10.Ye, C., Xu, Q., Liu, X., Astikainen, P., Zhu, Y., Hu, Z., & Liu, Q.* (2021). Individual differences in working memory capacity are unrelated to the magnitudes of retrocue benefits. Scientific Reports, 11:7258.

11.Xu, Q., Ye, C.*, Gu, S., Hu, Z., Li, X., Lei, Y., Huang, L., & Liu, Q. (2021). Negative and Positive Bias for Emotional Faces: Evidence from the Attention and Working Memory Paradigms. Neural Plasticity, 2021, 8851066.

12.Xu, Q., Ye, C.*, Hämäläinen, J. A., Ruohonen, E. M., Li, X., and Astikainen, P. (2021) Magnetoencephalography Responses to Unpredictable and Predictable Rare Somatosensory Stimuli in Healthy Adult Humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15:641273.

13.Ye, C., Liang, T., Zhang, Y., Xu, Q., Zhu, Y., & Liu, Q.* (2020). The two-stage process in visual working memory consolidation. Scientific Reports, 10:13564.

14.Long, F.#, Ye, C.#, Li, Z., Tian, Y., & Liu, Q. (2020). Negative emotional state modulates visual working memory in the late consolidation phase. Cognition and Emotion. 34(8), 1646-1663.

15.Ye. C., Sun. H., Xu. Q., Liang. T., Zhang. Y., & Liu. Q.* (2019). Working memory capacity affects trade-off between quality and quantity only when stimulus exposure duration is sufficient: Evidence for the two-phase model. Scientific Reports, 9, 8727.

16.Ye, C., Xu, Q., Liu, Q.,* Cong, F., Saariluoma, P., Ristaniemi, T., & Astikainen, P. (2018). The impact of visual working memory capacity on the filtering efficiency of emotional face distractors. Biological Psychology, 138, 63-72.

17.Ye, C., Hu, Z., Li, H., Ristaniemi, T., Liu, Q.,* & Liu, T. (2017). A two-phase model of resource allocation in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43 (10), 1557-1566.

18.Ye, C., Hu, Z., Ristaniemi, T., Gendron, M., & Liu, Q.* (2016). Retro-dimension-cue benefit in visual working memory. Scientific Reports, 6, 35573.

19.Ye, C., Zhang, L., Liu, T., Li, H., & Liu, Q.* (2014). Visual working memory capacity for color is independent of representation resolution. PLoS One, 9(3), e91681.

20.潘志虎, 刘茹邑, 郭利静, & 叶超雄*. (2024). 视觉工作记忆中干扰对回溯线索收益的影响. 四川师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 47(2), 179-187.

21.郭利静, 叶超雄*, 龙芳芳, 刘昕旸 & 谢蔚臻 (2023). 负性情绪状态对短时记忆表征的影响. 应用心理学, 29(4):352-364.

22.刘昕旸, 许茜如, 梁腾飞, & 叶超雄*  (2022). 面孔表情识别眼动模式的影响因素.应用心理学, 28(6), 530-541.

23.刘茹邑, 郭利静, 程钰欣, & 叶超雄* (2022). 视觉工作记忆存储的表征单位.心理学进展, 12(3): 868-875.

24. , 郭利静, 周子芳, 刘茹邑, 程钰欣 & 叶超雄* (2022). 不同情绪面孔的视觉工作记忆表现差异. 心理学进展, 12(5): 1638-1646.

25.程钰欣, 郭利静, 周子芳, 刘茹邑, & 叶超雄* (2022). 视觉工作记忆中回溯线索效应的影响因素. 心理学进展, 12(4): 1079-1087.

26.何广浩, 刘昕旸, 郭利静, 周子芳 & 叶超雄* (2021). 视觉工作记忆中数量和精度的权衡关系是否受个体自发控. 心理学进展, 11(10):2323-2331.

27.周子芳, 刘昕旸, 郭利静, 何广浩 & 叶超雄* (2021). 内部注意在维度层面对视觉工作记忆的影响. 心理学进展, 11(12):2821-2829.

28.叶超雄, 胡中华, 梁腾飞, 张加峰, 许茜如, & 刘强.* (2020). 视觉工作记忆回溯线索效应的产生机制: 认知阶段分离. 心理学报, 52(4), 399-413.



1.     Xie, W., Ye, C., & Zhang, W. (2023). Negative Emotion Reduces Visual Working Memory Recall Variability: A Meta-analytical Review. Emotion, 23(3), 859–871.

2.     Zhang, J., Ye, C., Sun, H., Zhou, J., Liang, T., Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2022). The Passive State: A Protective Mechanism for Information in Working Memory Tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(9), 1235-1248.

3.     Li, X., Zhu, Y., Vuoriainen, E., Ye, C., & Astikainen, P. (2021). Decreased intersubject synchrony in dynamic valence ratings of sad movie contents in dysphoric individuals. Scientific Reports, 11, 14419.

4.     Zhu, Y., Liu, J., Ye, C., Mathiak, K., Astikainen, P., Ristaniemi, T., & Cong, F. (2020). Discovering dynamic task-modulated functional networks with specific spectral modes using MEG. NeuroImage, 116924.

5.     Li, Z., Zhang, J., Liang, T., Ye, C., & Liu, Q. (2020). Interval between two sequential arrays determines their storage state in visual working memory. Scientific Reports, 10: 7706.

6.     Ruohonen, E. M., Kattainen, S., Li, X., Taskila, A. E., Ye, C., & Astikainen, P. (2020). Event-Related Potentials to Changes in Sound Intensity Demonstrate Alterations in Brain Function Related to Depression and Aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 98.

7.     Liang, T., Cheng, Z., Hu, W., Ye, C., Zhang, J., & Liu, Q. (2020). Limitations of concurrently representing objects within view and in visual working memory. Scientific Reports, 10: 5351.

8.     Liang, T., Chen, X., Ye, C., Zhang, J., & Liu, Q. (2019). Electrophysiological evidence supports the role of sustained visuospatial attention in maintaining visual WM contents. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 146, 54-62.

9.     Xu, Q., Ruohonen, E. M., Ye, C., Li, X., Kreegipuu, K., Stefanics, G., Wenbo Luo & Astikainen, P. (2018). Automatic processing of changes in facial emotions in dysphoria: a magnetoencephalography study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 186.

10.Hao, R., Becker, M. W., Ye, C., Liu, Q., & Liu, T. (2018). The bandwidth of VWM consolidation varies with the stimulus feature: Evidence from event-related potentials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(5), 767-777.

11.Zhang, Y., Ye, C., Roberson, D., Zhao, G., Xue, C., & Liu, Q. (2017). The bilateral field advantage effect in memory precision. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71 (3), 749-758.

12.Liang, T., Hu, Z., Li, Y., Ye, C., & Liu, Q. (2017). Electrophysiological correlates of change detection during delayed matching task: a comparison of different references. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 527.

13.Lu, J., Tian, L., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Ye, C., & Liu, Q. (2017). Strategic inhibition of distractors with visual working memory contents after involuntary attention capture. Scientific Reports, 7: 16314.

14.张引, 梁腾飞, 叶超雄, & 刘强. (2020). 长时联结表征对工作记忆的抑制效应. 心理学报, 52(5), 562-571.

15.许茜如, 何蔚祺, 叶超雄, & 罗文波. (2019). 情绪面孔注意偏向的加工机制: 愤怒和快乐优势效应. 生理学报, 71(1), 86-94.

16.张引, 梁腾飞, 陈江涛, 叶超雄, & 刘强. (2019). 连接视觉长时记忆与视觉工作记忆的认知及其神经机制. 生理学报, 71(1), 62-72.

17.薛成波, 叶超雄, 张引, & 刘强. (2015). 视觉工作记忆中特征绑定关系的记忆机制. 心理学报, 47(7), 851-858.