杨洁敏,女,贵州习水人,四川师范大学教授, 硕士生导师,发展与教育心理学专业博士学位,情感计算方向博士后,四川省天府峨眉计划青年人才,担任中国社区发展协会社区心理服务工作委员会委员、国家社科基金成果鉴定专家、四川省心理学会理事兼情绪与行为心理学专委会副主委等社会职务,多项研究成果在IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing、Emotion、Science China Life Sciences、Cerebral Cortex、Psychophysiology、中国科学:生命科学等国内外主流期刊发表。
2013/09-201506, 西南大学,数学与统计学院,博士后,情感计算方向,导师刘光远教授
2010/09–2013/06,西南大学,心理学部,博士, 发展与教育心理学,导师李红教授
2007/09–2010/06,西南大学,心理学院,硕士, 发展与教学心理学,导师李红教授
主要从事情绪调控领域的心理学与认知神经科学研究,关注个体及不同群体的情绪健康, 主要研究兴趣集中在:
1. 情绪预期及情绪认知调节的神经机制。系列研究成果被《中国社会科学报》专题报道;有关情绪预期的研究构想(杨洁敏等,2015,心理科学进展)获得了中国人民大学复印资料的收录。
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目:心理预期与认知方式对负面情绪的交互调节.批准号:NSFC31400906; 2015.01-2017.12;24万,项目主持人:杨洁敏 已结题
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目:自动化认知调节启动对社会传递性恐惧的干预及神经机制.批准号:NSFC31871103; 2019.01-2022.12;62万,项目主持人:杨洁敏 在研
1.Yang, J.M., Yan, X., Chen, S., Liu, W., Zhang, X., Yuan, J. (2022). Increased Motivational Intensity Leads to Preference for Distraction over Reappraisal During Emotion Regulation: Mediated by Attention Breadth. Emotion, doi:10.1037/emo0000977
2.Chen C.M., Lou Y.X., Li H., Yuan J., Yang J.M.,
Winskel H., Qin S. Z.(2022), Distinct neural-behavioral correspondence
within face processing and attention networks for the composite face
effect. NeuroImage 246:118756, doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118756
3. Liu W.,Tian Y., Yan X.,Yang J.M.( 2021). Impulse Inhibition Ability With Methamphetamine Dependents Varies at Different Abstinence Stages.Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:626535.doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.626535
4. Wen, W., Liu, G., Mao, Z. H., Huang, W., Zhang, X., Hu, H., Yang JM & Jia, W. (2018). Toward constructing a real-time social anxiety evaluation system: Exploring effective heart rate features. IEEE transactions on Affective Computing, 11(1), 100-110.
5. 高伟,陈圣栋,龙泉杉,杨洁敏,袁加锦, 情绪调节研究方法的蜕变: 从有意情绪调节到自动化情绪调节, 科学通报, 2018, 63: 415–424
6. Yang, J.M., Zhang, S., Lou, Y., Long, Q., Liang, Y., Xie, S. & Yuan. J., The Increased Sex Differences in Susceptibility to Emotional Stimuli during Adolescence: An Event-Related Potential Study, Front. Hum. Neurosci, 2018.1.12 , 11(660)
7.杨洁敏, 黄杏, 邵智, 袁加锦 (2017), 孤独症谱系障碍患者的面部表情敏感性缺陷:任务性质的影响与干预启示, 中国科学:生命科学, (04):443~452
8.Li, X., Meng, X., Li, H.,Yang, J.M., Yuan J.(2017), The impact of mood on empathy for pain: Evidence from an EEG study, Psychophysiology, 54(9):1311~1322
9. Chen SD, Chen CM, Yang, J.M., Yuan J.(2017), Trait self-consciousness predicts amygdala activation and its functional brain connectivity during emotional suppression: an fMRI analysis, Scientific Reports, 7(117)
10. Wei, J., Chen, T., Liu, G.Y., Yang, J.M.(2016). Higher-order Multivariable Polynomial Regression to Estimate Human Affective States. Scientific Reports, 6: 23384.
11.杨洁敏, 张 蜀, 袁加锦, 刘光远(2015)心理预期与认知方式对负面情绪的交互调节. 心理科学进展, 23(8), 1312–1323.
12. Yang J.M., Zeng J., Meng X.X., Zhu, L.P., Yuan J., Li H., Nasir Y. (2013) Positive words or negative words: whose valence strengthare we more sensitive to? Brain Research,1533:91–104.
13. Yang J.M., Yuan J., & Li, H. (2012). Expectation decreases the human susceptibility to fearful stimuli: ERP evidence from amodified emotion evaluation task. Neuroscience Letters, 514:198–203.
14. Yang,J.M. , Yuan, J.J. , & Li, H.(2010). Emotional expectations influence neural sensitivity to fearful faces inhumans. Science China Life Sciences,53: 1361–1368
15. 杨洁敏 袁加锦 李红 (2009) 情绪预期影响对恐惧面孔的敏感性—来自电生理的证据. 中国科学:生命科学 39 (10): 995-1004
16. Yuan, J, Yang, JM, Meng, X, Yu, F., and Li, H.(2008). The valence strength of negative stimuli modulates visual noveltyprocessing: Electrophysiological evidence from an ERP study. Neuroscience, 157:524- 531
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