[脑与心理科学研究院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2024年3月12日



李厅,心理学博士,四川师范大学脑与心理科学研究院助理研究员,二级心理咨询师,硕士生导师,联系方式: ting_li@sicnu.edu.cn






20099— 20136月 重庆师范大学 应用心理学 学士

20139— 20166月 四川师范大学 发展与教育心理学 硕士

20199— 20226月 华南师范大学 心理学 博士







1.      Li, T., Li, S., Li, B., Zhang, Z., Luo, Y.*, Feng, C.* (2023). Navigating uncertainty in human social decision-making: consequences and coping strategies. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, accepted (IF: 3.798; SSCI Q2)

2.      Li, T.#, Pei, Z.#, Zhu, Z., Wu, X.*, Feng, C.*(2022). Intrinsic brain activity patterns across large-scale networks predict reciprocity propensity. Human Brain Mapping, 43(18):5616-5629 (IF: 5.399; SCIE Q2)

3.      Li, T., Yang, Y., Krueger F., Feng, C.*, Wang, J.*(2022). Static and dynamic topological organizations of the costly punishment network predict individual differences in punishment propensity. Cerebral Cortex, 32(18): 4012-4024 (IF: 4.861; SCIE Q2)

4.      Li, T.#, Wang, L.#, Camilleri, J. A., Chen, X., Li, S., Stewart, J. L., ... & Feng, C.* (2020). Mapping common grey matter volume deviation across child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review, 115: 273-284 (IF: 9.052; SCIE Q1)

5.      Lu X.#, Li T.#, Xia Z., Zhu R., Wang L., Luo Y.*, Feng C.*, Frank Krueger (2019). Connectome-based model predicts individual differences in propensity to trust. Human Brain Mapping, 40(6): 1942-1954 (IF: 5.399; SCIE Q2)


1.      Feng C. *, Gu R. *, Li T., ... & Simon B. (2021). Separate neural networks of implicit emotional processing between pictures and words: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of brain imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review, 131: 331-344 (IF: 9.052; SCIE Q1)

2.      Feng C. *, Eickhoff S.B., Li T., ... & Luo Y. * (2021). Common brain networks underlying human social interactions: Evidence from large-scale neuroimaging meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review, 126: 289-303 (IF: 9.052; SCIE Q1)

3.      Chen X. #, Xu Z. #, Li T., ... & Liu C. * (2021). Multivariate morphological brain signatures enable individualized prediction of dispositional need for closure. Brain imaging and behavior, 1-16 (IF: 3.224; SCIE Q2)

4.      Chen X. #, Xu Y. #, Li B., Wu X., Li T., ... & Feng C. * (2021). Intranasal vasopressin modulates resting state brain activity across multiple neural systems: Evidence from a brain imaging machine learning study. Neuropharmacology, 190:108561 (IF: 5.273; SCIE Q2)

5.      Zhu R., Liu C., Li T., ... & Wang L. * (2019).  Intranasal oxytocin reduces reactive aggression in men but not in women: A computational approach. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 108:172-181(IF: 4.693; SCIE Q2)

6.      Feng, C.#, Wang, L.#, Li, T., & Xu, P*. (2019). Connectome-based individualized prediction of loneliness. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 14(4): 353-365 (IF: 4.235; SSCI Q1/SCIE Q2)
