[脑与心理科学研究院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2024年3月12日


雷怡,二级教授,博导,国家级青年拔尖人才,科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目(青年科学家项目)主持人,四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省“天府青城计划”(科技菁英),中国心理学会理事,中国心理学会行为与健康心理学专委会副主任,中国心理学会发展心理学专委会委员;主要从事恐惧学习与焦虑的相关研究;主持国家科技部重大项目1项,教育部哲社重大攻关项目子课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目4项,教改项目3项;以第一或通讯作者在Behavioral and Brain SciencesJournal of anxiety disordersNeuroimageCerebral cortex、心理学报等国内外高水平刊物发表论文70余篇;曾获“教育部霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年科学奖、第六届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖”等。






2007/9 - 2010/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,博士

2005/9 - 2007/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,硕士

2001/9 - 2005/6,四川师范大学,教育学,学士


主持:青少年焦虑发生发展的早期预防及脑机制. 项目号:2022ZD0210900. 科技部重大项目(科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目). 2022.082027.07

主持:“百年来我国心理学发展回顾与创新研究”第三个子课题:“科学正确理解心理现象及其体系的心理学本体论”. 项目号:21JZD063. 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(子课题3负责人). 2022.012026.12

主持:无意识恐惧影响青少年焦虑的认知神经机制及其干预研究. 项目号:32271142. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2023.012026.12

主持: 社会关系影响恐惧泛化的认知神经机制研究. 项目号:31871130. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2019.012022.12

主持: 类别、 概念和归纳过程在恐惧泛化中的作用及其认知神经机制. 项目号:31571153. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2016.012019.12

主持: 类概念层级关系加工的发展认知神经机制研究. 项目号:31100740. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2012.012014.12





主持:2017年度深圳大学教学改革研究项目.  深圳大学


















n  2023

1.      Wang, J.#, Shen, S.#, Becker, B., Hei Lam Tsang, M., Mei, Y., Wikgren, J., &  Lei, Y.*. (2024). Neurocognitive mechanisms of mental imagery-based disgust learning. Behaviour research and therapy, 175, 104502.

2.      Lei, Y.#*, Wang, Y#. Y., Wan, J. M.#, Patel, C., & Li, H.* (2023). Association between negative parent-related family interactions and child social anxiety: A cross-cultural systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of anxiety disorders, 99, 102771.

3.      Lin, J., Zhao, R., Li, H., Lei, Y.*, & Cuijpers, P*. (2023). Looking back on life: An updated meta-analysis of the effect of life review therapy and reminiscence on late-life depression. Journal of affective disorders, 347, 163–174.

4.      Luo, X., Che, X., & Lei, Y*. (2023). Characterizing the effects of self-compassion interventions on anxiety: Meta-analytic evidence from randomized controlled studies. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 132–141.

5.      Lou, Y., Chen, S., Hu, G., Astikainen, P., Otieno-Leppänen, S. C. S. A., Lei, Y.*, & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2023). Altered temporoparietal junction activity during reflected self-evaluation in sub-clinical depression. Cerebral cortex, 33(12), 7553–7563.

6.      Haoran Dou, Yi Lei*, Yafeng Pan, Hong Li, & Piia Astikainen, (2023). Impact of observational and direct learning on fear conditioning generalization in humans. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 121, 110650.

7.      梅颖, 刘郡彤, 刘红红, 傅洋, 罗熙, 雷怡*. (2023). 自悯写作对恐惧消退的促进作用. 心理学报, 55(8), 1317-1329.

8.      张婕,张火垠,李红 & 雷怡*.(2023).睡眠对恐惧学习的影响及其认知神经机制. 心理科学进展(04),631-640.

9.      刘沛菡,张火垠,张旭凯,李红 & 雷怡*.(2023).急性疼痛与慢性疼痛对奖赏加工的影响及神经机制. 心理科学进展(03),402-415.

10. Pan, W., Lu, J., Wu, L., Kou, J.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Expending effort may share neural responses with reward and evokes high subjective satisfaction. Biological psychology, 177, 108480.

11. Cao, L., Yang, X., He, Z.*, Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2023). Effects of depressive symptoms on regulating emotional goals: Preferences for distinct facial emotions. Biological psychology, 179, 108539.

12. Mei, Y., Tan, L., Yang, W., Luo, J., Xu, L.*, Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2023). Risk perception and gratitude mediate the negative relationship between COVID-19 management satisfaction and public anxiety. Scientific reports, 13(1), 3335.

13. Zhou, X., Gu, Y., Huang, L.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Individual differences in contextual threat generalisation and uncertainty: The role of intolerance of uncertainty. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie, 58(4), 322–331.

14. Zhou, X., Gu, Y., Wang, J., Huang, L.*, & Lei, Y*. (2023). Intolerance of uncertainty enhances generalisation of cued conditioned threat: An event-related potential study. Biological psychology, 181, 108601.

15. 申思怡, 梅颖, 王金霞, 戴雨芊, 吴奇, 雷怡*. (2023). 条件学习视角下的恐惧与厌恶[J]. 心理科学, 46(4): 825-832.

16. 戴雨芊, 窦皓然, 雷怡*. (2023). 纯粹他人在场增强恐惧泛化[J]. 心理科学, 46(3): 752-759.

17. 王冠华, 鲁嘉晨, 李红, 雷怡*2023. 诱发高自我效能感改善自我损耗后的认知控制[J]. 心理科学, 46(6): 1282-1289.


n  2022

18. Jingyuan Lin, Pim Cuijpers, Hong Li* and Yi Lei*.(2022). Harm or protection? Two-sided consequences of females’susceptible responses to multiple threats. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, e128: 44–46.

19. Qiu, Y.#, Dou, H.#, Dai, Y., Li, H., & Lei, Y*. (2022) The influence of being left behind on fear acquisition and academic performance: a study of left-behind children. Current Psychology, 1-12.

20. 韩瑞康, 林静远, 梅颖, 李开云, 林丰勋, 雷怡*, 李红. (2022). 不确定感与从众:决断性与结构需求的中介作用[J]. 心理与行为研究, 20(2): 174-181.

21. Wang, J., Sun, X., Becker, B.*, & Lei, Y*. (2022). Common and separable behavioral and neural mechanisms underlie the generalization of fear and disgust. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 116, 110519.

22. 周晓,赵一燕,黄砾卉 & 雷怡*.(2022).恐惧学习的发展认知神经机制研究回顾与展望. 心理发展与教育(02),295-304.

23. Dou, H.#, Dai, Y.#, Qiu, Y., & Lei, Y.* (2022). Attachment voices promote safety learning in humans: A critical role for P2. Psychophysiology, 59(6), e13997.


n  2021

25. Lou, Y., Lei, Y.*, Astikainen, P., Peng, W., Otieno, S., & Leppänen, P. (2021). Brain responses of dysphoric and control participants during a self-esteem implicit association test. Psychophysiology, 58(4), e13768.

26. Ming, X., Lou, Y., Zou, L., Lei, Y.*, Li, H., & Li, Y. (2021). The cumulative effect of positive and negative feedback on emotional experience. Psychophysiology, 58(12), e13935.

27. Wang, J., E, M., Wu, Q., Xie, T., Dou, H., & Lei, Y*. (2021). Influence of Perceptual and Conceptual Information on Fear Generalization: A Behavioral and Event-Related Potential Study. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 21(5), 1054–1065.

28. Wang, J.#, Wang, Y.#, Liao, M., Zou, Y., Lei, Y.*, & Zhu, Y. (2021). Conditioned generalisation in generalised anxiety disorder: the role of concurrent perceptual and conceptual cues. Cognition & emotion, 35(8), 1516–1526.

29. Wang, J., Sun, X., Lu, J., Dou, H., & Lei, Y*. (2021). Generalization gradients for fear and disgust in human associative learning. Scientific reports, 11(1), 14210.

30. Zhang, H.#, Zhang, S.#, Lu, J., Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2021). Social exclusion increases the executive function of attention networks. Scientific reports, 11(1), 9494.

31. 刘佳宁,吴奇,谢涛,俄眉,王金霞 & 雷怡*.(2021).应激激素对恐惧消退作用的神经生理机制. 心理科学(03),559-566.

32. 王亚捷,林静远,谢涛,俄眉,吴奇 & 雷怡*.(2021).运动如何影响青少年抑郁:回顾与展望. 心理科学(05),1208-1215.

33. 邱依雯,娄熠雪 & 雷怡*.(2021).青少年抑郁:基于社会支持的视角. 心理发展与教育(02),288-297.

n  2020

34. Dou, H.#, Lei, Y.#*, Cheng, X., Wang, J.,& Leppänen, P. (2020) Social exclusion influences conditioned fear acquisition and generalization: A mediating effect from the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage, 218, 116735.

35. Lei, Y., Mei, Y., Dai, Y., & Peng, W*. (2020). Taxonomic relations evoke more fear than thematic relations after fear conditioning: An EEG study. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 167, 107099.

36. Dou, H., Zou, L., Becker, B., & Lei, Y*. (2020). Intranasal oxytocin decreases fear generalization in males, but does not modulate discrimination threshold. Psychopharmacology, 238(3), 677–689.

37. Gu, Y.#, Gu, S.#, Lei, Y.*, & Li, H. (2020). From Uncertainty to Anxiety: How Uncertainty Fuels Anxiety in a Process Mediated by Intolerance of Uncertainty. Neural plasticity, 8866386.

38. 雷怡*,夏琦,莫志凤 & 李红.(2020).面孔可爱度和客观熟悉度对婴儿面孔注意偏向效应的影响. 心理学报(07),811-822.

39. 杨文敏,鲁嘉晨,谭欣,梁静远,雷怡*. (2020) 大学生主观童年创伤对抑郁的影响:抗挫折能力和外向性的多重中介效应. 心理发展与教育,37(01):128-136.

n  2019

40. Lei, Y., Wang, J., Zhu, Y., Chen, Q.*, & Li, H. (2019). P300 and positive slow waves reveal the plausibility in inductive reasoning. Psychophysiology, 56(6), e13337.

41.  Lei, Y.#*, Lu, J.#, Zhang, H., Wang, C., Wei, S., Zhu, Y.2019Cooperation moderates the impact of effort on reward valuation. Neuropsychologia, 135, 107214. 

42. Lei, Y.#*, Wang, J.#, Dou, H., Qiu, Y., Li, H. (2019). Influence of typicality in  category−based fear generalization: Diverging evidence from the P2 and N400 effect, International Journal of Psychophysiology,135, 12−20.

43. Mei, Y., Dai, Y., Lei, Y. *2019.The Influence of Hierarchical Masks on Masked Repetition Priming: Evidence From Event-Related Potentia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience1-913.

44. Lei, Y.*, Wang, Y., Wang, C., Wang, J., Lou, Y., Li, H. (2019) .Taking Familiar Others’ Perspectives to Regulate Our Own Emotion: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:1419.  

45. Lou, Y., Lei, Y.*, Mei, Y., Leppänen, P. Li, H. (2019). Review of Abnormal Self-Knowledge in Major Depressive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10:130. 

46. 雷怡*, 孙晓莹, 窦皓然 (2019). 恐惧与厌恶情绪图片系统的编制:基于两种情绪的区分. 心理科学,42(3):11-18. 

47. 张忠炉, 邢强, 雷怡*李红. (2019). 组块紧密性导致组块破解困难:部件类型还是交错关系?. 心理科学, 42(1), 2-7.

48. 张忠炉, 邢强, 雷怡*李红. (2019). 顿悟式组块破解的时间进程:ERP研究. 心理科学, 42(5), 1026-1032.

49. Yao M.L.#, Lei Y.#, Li P.#, Ye Q., Liu Y., Li X.Y., Peng W.W*. (2019). Shared sensitivity to physical pain and social evaluation. The journal of pain, 21(5-6), 677–688.  

50. Peng, W.#, Meng, J.#, Lou, Y., Li, X., Lei, Y.*, & Yan, D*. (2019). Reduced empathic pain processing in patients with somatoform pain disorder: Evidence from behavioral and neurophysiological measures. International journal of psychophysiology, 139, 40–47. 

51. Zhang, Z.* , Luo, Y. , Wang, C., Christopher, W., Xia, Q. , Xing, Q. , Cao, B., Lei, Y.*, Li, H. (2019). Identification and transformation difficulty in problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence from chunk decomposition. Biological psychology, 143,10-23.
